I agree...it's not like he didn't know or wouldn't have known the torture that child was going through with or without being an omega....he chose to remain absent from his life...like actively avoiding him most his life and will probably still be dismissive of him after the empress dies.....
He will not be punished at the end....more so if his character is ended he will probably say shit like I am sorry know it's too late but I always loved you or some shit and etinne will forgive him....i hate that kind of thing coz in real life... people like that only die cursing and the child wouldn't accept apology if it was even offered ( which is fair tbh)
I almost hate the emperor more than the empress. Like I know she will get what she deserves cause she is the primary villain but the emperor is as much responsible for Etinne's situation and he still has the guts to distrust him.
I am worried the emperor won't get his karma and go away scot free