Just two cent thoughts (spoilers)

Crazy Life July 24, 2024 1:01 pm

Guys if you are new here, let me tell y'all, the ML hate is super forced with no valid reason at all, it's just people being biased cuz of the second ML syndrome. ML is the least toxic and manipulative person among these three. The MC was just fcking insecure of the ML all his life, so he kept hooking up with others to make ML jealous and then whining like a kicked puppy at the thought of ML being with someone else. Wished ML to fail, just so his loser ass can 'catch up to him'. Along with his mum, put the entire blame on ML for their parent's divorce. The hate ML gets is so laughable considering he has gotten himself into trouble, further ruined his relationship with his father, and endangered his career multiple times just so he could protect MC in many instances. While the MC has done quite literally nothing for their relationship. NOTHING AT ALL. Just keeps making ton shits of scenarios about ML in his head and takes decisions according to it WITHOUT ever talking it out with ML. Gets some kind of orgasm at the thought of ML being jealous about him. The MC himself admits to manipulating the relationship between him and ML throughout their lives, and watch these dumbfcuks blaming ML for their 'toxic' relationship. Another reason these losers don't like ML is cuz most of the time he says whatever he feels, without playing manipulative games like those two. Some even label him as arrogant due to this lmfaoo (like bffr he's an A-list celebrity, unlike that loser writer who still couldn't make a name for himself in his big age, so even if he is arrogant he has full rights to be IDC!!!!)

The ML is a straightforward guy who doesn't take shit from anyone. Read the interactions between ML and the second ML and it's always the second ML starting shit, and ML retaliating. It's just that second ML is subtle and manipulative as hell, so his fans paint ML as the bad guy.

Now onto the second ML, don't even get me started, he's probably my most hated character in the manga world. Manipulative as hell, takes advantage of MC and gets into a 'relationship' with him when he was heartbroken and emotionally vulnerable, doesn't think twice before deliberately making MC feel bad (by lying) just cuz he got gagged by ML in an argument. It's crazy hearing his fans call ML selfish while their fav guilt trips MC all the time and wishes MC to be sad all his life cuz he chose ML over him. They say it's a ''normal human reaction'' while blaming ML for those same ''human-ly'' reactions. He knew something was up between MC and ML, that’s why he got interested in MC in the first place, he wanted to get between them. Objectifies MC ALL THE TIME, comparing MC as one of his possessions. And then when he sees MC slipping away from his hands just like that bowl of candy, he gets all upset like a kid. His feelings were always surface-leveled. I don't feel bad about the second ML ''getting used'' (lmfao) by the MC, cuz he has done the same with his ex-boyfriend(s). Plus he was the one to propose that arrangement with MC even when MC told him clearly he wasn't interested in dating at that time. Was pushy throughout the whole time, forcing MC to give an answer. Kept manipulating him, outright admitting how he wished MC will feel guilty, that way he can have his chance. But his faults gets swept under the rug cuz he's their poor second lead. (and i guess lots of people here just relate to being the second choice in their lives lol, that's why sympathizing with second ML, cuz you'll find no other reason for liking such a manipulative and pushy character.) The funny thing however is, lots of his fans don't even understand he's manipulative and get manipulated into calling him ''an angel, a green flag'' IJBOLL/

At one point i started wishing these two losers to end up together, cuz the ML, while he has flaws, deserved way better than MC. He's an A-list celebrity, and could've gotten anyone better than an insecure, petty, loser. That's my reason for not really liking the ending at all.
The one good thing about the ending- that the second ML got hurt, i wanted worse for him tho, but okay.
