Terrible Parents

Dr00py July 22, 2024 11:01 am

I absolutely despise his parents like you two chose to have the kid then abuse and neglect him and you didn't apologize because you felt sorry it's because someone told you too.

I have a grudge to pick with the MC too like miss why in the world should he say I love you to his ass "parents" if the even deserve to be called that.

I wish the worst upon those two. You two are adults yet when you child isn't the norm you immediately turn on him.They suck and no amount of them being "hot" will fix that

Also author what the fuck was the parents " apology" they didn't own up to there mistakes at all the basically said "sorry if that bothered you" like????. You abused the child probably the moment they found out.

If you still think that parents were doing "tough love" image of the mc parents did that wouldn't she have a revenge arc but he has to settle with a terrible apology. Not so fair now huh?

    Nostariel18 July 24, 2024 3:01 am

    I agree! I think them apologizing once is t enough. Plus the harsh things his mom said “I don’t like you because you’re weak” mmm okay you shouldn’t be a parent. Go kill yourself. Apologizing doesn’t fix that heavily seeded trauma. I lowkey hate the female lead for siding with the parents too and getting upset over a trauma based reaction from someone who was abandoned since birth. It’s all really frustrating.

    Chryselephantine July 24, 2024 1:09 pm

    So glad someone said it. I was enjoying the story until now, I think I'll drop it. If the FL hadnt taken over that body, Ruby would've lived a miserable life because of those two. This is way beyond tough love. Its abuse and abandonment. The FL reminds me of people who tell others to forgive their parents for childhood abuse because "they're your parents" like huh?? Those two deserve hell