
chocobuun July 22, 2024 8:05 am

In the latest raw chapter, it looks like they simplified things from the novel. Of course I know the manhwa adaptations would usually not include the amount of detail like the novel would. But usually it seemed like this one followed the novel quite a lot. Though they didn’t show all the thoughts that the mc’s had, usually the events/scenes shown would be in the manhwa.

In the recent chapter, it shows kind of an overall summary of what happened after the incident of the fight. In the novel, raphael and klopp’s separation seemed to be more sincere? Like they actually looked sad, and Raphael shed tears. It looks like the manhwa changed their separation into something more simple and like both didn’t actually care. Raphael looked more mad instead of sad and he said something about how he knew that klopp likes someone else when Raphael never had that thought in the novel. The manhwa made it so they had a brief talk in the middle of a street in front of his office, literally said bye at the carriage and klopp was like, “hope you find someone better” waved goodbye and they both left like nothing happened lmao. I guess the manhwa wanted to make it less significant? This could be good for readers who don’t want to see the ML care about anyone else. But bad for readers who don’t want the relationship with Raphael to be like it was nothing. Well I guess it doesn’t matter much cause both Klopp and Raphael moved on quite quickly and didn’t like each other THAT much.
Here’s the actual prompt of the novel scene:
(Credit to translator of the novel)

Rayfiel was deeply saddened, but he didn’t love Klopp enough to defy his parents and escape with him. Similarly, Klopp didn’t love Rayfiel to the extent of demanding such a sacrifice. Although they had been in a relationship for a considerable time, it was difficult for them to develop a deep relationship considering the times they couldn’t meet due to Klopp’s busy schedule. They had never even spent a heat together. It was not that their hearts didn’t ache, but it wasn’t to the point where they couldn’t live without each other. They felt sad, but what they had was a relationship where, if it turned out they were not fated, they could let each other go, just that much.

After the breakup was decided, Rayfiel secretly left his estate to meet Klopp without his father’s knowledge. At that time, Klopp, who was burdened with heavy thoughts and focused only on work, smiled softly upon seeing him in the office. The two walked together on a secluded path, while a carriage belonging to the Viscount followed behind.

“So, it ended up like this.”

“This is because my father is very stubborn.”

“No, it’s all my fault.”

“Sir Klopp.”

Klopp glanced at the coachman who was looking in their direction and led Rayfiel to a shady alley. The coachman stopped the carriage and turned his head in another direction. Klopp held Rayfiel’s hands and kissed the back of his hands. Even though he understood their circumstances, parting was still upsetting. Tears welled up in Rayfiel’s eyes once again. They closed their eyes and exchanged a brief kiss as a farewell. The first and last kiss in the slightly smelly alley wasn’t exactly poetic.

Klopp wiped the tears from Rayfiel’s wet cheeks with his thumb, then kissed his forehead and hugged him tightly. Rayfiel also hugged him back tightly, but he soon let go. They didn’t bid farewell from afar. In the few steps it took for them to reach the carriage, none of them said a word. Rayfiel didn’t look back at Klopp as he boarded the carriage.
