Didn’t want her health to deteriorate but comes up with this big drama and ends it stupidly . And why should I care if I’m reading illegally or not. I said what I said. If anyone is press about what I said, stay press. Acting as if I need to be humble cause I’m reading illegally. Nah, you played yourself right there.

Is that all you got . My grammar? Didn’t know we were in school here. Should I have cited my sources too? At least try to address my points but I guess you ain’t got none so you use an elementary tactic of correcting someone’s grammar. A+ for you dear. Now run on home to show mommy and daddy what great grammar you have compared to others .
You can’t expected readers to understand or praise or whatever when you added an unneeded drama and then ends the panel with the “welcome back” too. The author should’ve just ended the series with them going back home and exchange rings. Instead, they added the car crash and end it just like that. How you gonna create a super big drama but end it within two chapters and no happy ending too? Imo, they kinda dug their own grave for negative feedback. I said what I said.