Karel knows how unstable sasya is, why would he treat him like this šŸ˜„

Kira July 22, 2024 2:46 am

Karel knows how unstable sasya is, why would he treat him like this

    erisuliour July 28, 2024 2:38 am

    REALLLL i love you for understanding him tbh i don't get why people hate sasya sm bec he's pretty realistic

    Ā°0.F.C.K.SĀ° July 28, 2024 11:11 am

    Itā€™s insane how fucking dense Karel can be when itā€™s quite clear since the beginning that Sasya is and has been dealing with some pretty complicated personal issues but all Karel did and felt towards Sasya from the very beginning was just a projection of his own wants and need with rose colored glasses towards a person he really didnā€™t even try to understand at a deeper level.. like at all! He just saw what he wanted to see and it ended up biting him in the a$$ in the end.