Ok i have read season two and hear is what i have to say Min Ji-wook need's to grow the F*...

OnoderaRitsuTakanoMasamune85 July 21, 2024 11:56 pm

Ok i have read season two and hear is what i have to say Min Ji-wook need's to grow the F*** up i'm so sick of him !!!
Joo Seung-eon has done so much for him it's just not funny anymore !!!
And he keep's on hurting him it hurt's to read sometime's the way he treat's Joo Seung-eon and talk's to him is not right yes i know Joo Seung-eon has issues as well and he is trying is best to work on them but Min Ji-wook is not making it easy for him yes i know he went throw so much and never deserved it !!!
But still it dose not give him the right to treat Joo Seung-eon the way he dose it's disgusting !!!
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On to season 3 now

    偉大な王 July 22, 2024 3:07 pm

    Didn't the uke (?) Once asked his sister for like 4 billion won to pay off the seme(?)'s debt

    yousmell July 22, 2024 8:30 pm

    Let’s not act like the top doesn’t have any faults. I mean he literally kidnapped and raped min Ji wook at one point. I know he changed for the better or whatever, but at the end of the day none of them are perfect but at least min Ji wook never sexually abused anyone. He’s just mentally ill lol