i’m so confused..

Aaliyahhhh July 21, 2024 10:49 pm

what is even going on…so is the old her back, did they merge.. or what?

    geshra July 22, 2024 12:33 am

    Even though I read spoilers on the web novel website, I had no idea this happened...

    From what I understand, the original story is her soul's past life.

    That soul was reincarnated in Korea. She read a novel which was actually written by "God" that detailed her past life. She wrote an email to the "author", who invited her to "change the story".

    That same soul was sent back to a point in time in which she already had Mag, but didn't have any memories of her first life, only some of her memories as a Korean woman and the novel.

    Then, she just "remembered everything".

    The two lives in this world were the same except to the point her Korean self interfered.

    Her soul never changed.

    Her Korean self and the original Iliana merged. Unfortunately, it appears that her past self is a more dominant personality.

    It's rather atypical for this to happen. Usually, the personalities merge in a balance or the formerly Japanese/Korean personality dominates during the merge.

    In this case, it appears the OG Iliana is dominant. In some cases, you might end up with some BPD, but based on her not overreacting to thoughts of her mother or father, I think it's just that the personalies merges, but she's taken on more of the OG Iliana's persona.


    Aaliyahhhh July 22, 2024 12:53 am


    geshra July 22, 2024 1:21 am

    No problem.

    Honestly, I really wish it didn't happen like that.

    It seems like a major plot point and yet with all the spoilers I read, none of them mentioned it.

    Seems like a pretty big thing to skip over.