
Huraioz July 21, 2024 6:34 pm

This story is way too complex for peas. There’s more to it than who hurts who, who’s the bad guy and who’s the good guy. I don’t think we should label the cliche “red”, “black”, “green”, “yellow” flags. Everyone thought Jo was a good guy and some were already threatened by his presence since they biased another hottie.

All over Twitter I see both stans of Jo and TJ being petty with each other. I don’t give a shit but don’t go and slut shame Ian because he’s not exclusive to your favorite hottie. He doesn’t belong to any of them.

Isn’t life so poetic with all these people war-guing with each other. Jo isn’t a “good guy”, he’s now in a position where he needs character development, especially after that SA and some form of manipulation (the scene with then injured fingers). But he isn’t evil. Nor is any of the other main characters.

TJ and Ian already have some character development to do. They’re pretty much the same since a decade ago, but their surroundings and time has moved, only the two of them can move forward together. It can’t be separate, they are entwined with each other no matter how much others wanna deny. They’re family, they’ve only had each other so naturally they’d be like this.

Oh no! They’re toxic, what ever shall I do? Calm down, we have some more seasons after this. Jo has a chance, but I really doubt it would be the same amount of love (be it platonic or romantic) Ian has for TJ. I just hope the author doesn’t use Jo as a catalyst, it would be sad that Ian and TJ only finally get together because of Jo. Lazy writing in my opinion!

And those stupid little shits can get off my DMs!

    Homelzs July 21, 2024 6:51 pm

    when did all the stuff with Jo happen? I'm confused

    Huraioz July 21, 2024 6:56 pm
    when did all the stuff with Jo happen? I'm confused Homelzs

    I believe CH54 or 52 (SA) and in raws (injured finger)

    Homelzs July 21, 2024 7:00 pm
    I believe CH54 or 52 (SA) and in raws (injured finger) Huraioz

    idk abt the injured finger thing but jo didn't sa ian, ian asked jo to kiss and things just went from there from what i read

    Huraioz July 21, 2024 7:45 pm
    idk abt the injured finger thing but jo didn't sa ian, ian asked jo to kiss and things just went from there from what i read Homelzs

    No, he continued to thrust despite Ian passing out and came on his face while he was passed out.

    JTIG July 21, 2024 7:47 pm

    There has to be a good reason for why TJ put Ian in jail. It could be that the intention was from a good place, but it was perceived as negative. For people to say TJ doesn't deserve Ian because of all these red flag actions, that's a very superficial view of their dynamic, and relationships in general. I also get what you mean but it does look like Jo is the catalyst of something in Ian. I want Ian to organically choose TJ, but he is too stubborn without some kind of outside push. I'm an older reader, so Ian's character seems a bit selfish imo. We have TJ willing to make the difficult decisions and take responsibilities for better or for worse. While Ian does what he wants, not really caring about the repercussions because he knows TJ will take of everything, and still string him along with sex once in a blue moon.

    Huraioz July 21, 2024 8:55 pm
    There has to be a good reason for why TJ put Ian in jail. It could be that the intention was from a good place, but it was perceived as negative. For people to say TJ doesn't deserve Ian because of all these re... JTIG

    Someone explained to me that TJ put him there because that’s a pretty good deal of years for murdering someone. And they aren’t wrong…2 years for murder is pretty lenient. Apparently the lawyers stated that it would be hard on trial to defend Ian, so it was a win or lose situation. But that they could try.

    I feel like every character here is at least selfish in one way or another. TJ is making some decisions himself, thinking this is good protection for Ian, Ian wants him to stay but then he had run off prior to this. And TJ got him back (I don’t phrase words well).

    Homelzs July 21, 2024 9:04 pm
    No, he continued to thrust despite Ian passing out and came on his face while he was passed out. Huraioz

    he pulled out and finished himself off.

    Homelzs July 21, 2024 9:09 pm
    No, he continued to thrust despite Ian passing out and came on his face while he was passed out. Huraioz

    plus just in my opinion i don't really think that is automatically classified as SA because it's not like the sex was initiated while ian was asleep, also they're characters we don't really know the boundaries within their relationships, this may be something that ian doesn't really mind there's many couples where partners don't mind their partners doing stuff while they're asleep etc. again this is just my opinion, i can see where you're coming from, i just don't think this makes jo equivalent to tj, none of the people in the story are good people really bc that's not humanly possible. also i'm not team jo or team tj i really don't care who ian ends up with i just like the story but this is js what i thought

    Huraioz July 21, 2024 10:10 pm
    he pulled out and finished himself off. Homelzs

    I thought Ian said to stop?

    Plumy July 21, 2024 10:21 pm
    I thought Ian said to stop? Huraioz

    Ian never said stop. He said there's nothing else coming out, as in no more semen, he's dried out. Plus I doubt Ian bothered by it because Ian mention before with tj to go even after he passes out, of course the situations are apart but it implies Ian doesn't mind and would possibly be find with it. It's not actual SA but could go with a more dubious act since it started consensual and Ian never said or implied for Jo to stop. With the finger thing, to me that's not manipulation.

    Huraioz July 21, 2024 10:32 pm
    Ian never said stop. He said there's nothing else coming out, as in no more semen, he's dried out. Plus I doubt Ian bothered by it because Ian mention before with tj to go even after he passes out, of course th... Plumy

    So everyone is spreading misinfo? All over Twitter there are people claiming he SA’ed and even in mangago comments section.

    Homelzs July 22, 2024 1:35 am
    Ian never said stop. He said there's nothing else coming out, as in no more semen, he's dried out. Plus I doubt Ian bothered by it because Ian mention before with tj to go even after he passes out, of course th... Plumy


    Homelzs July 22, 2024 1:37 am
    So everyone is spreading misinfo? All over Twitter there are people claiming he SA’ed and even in mangago comments section. Huraioz

    like the other person said it's less SA and more of a dubious consent situation. the sex was initiated consensually and ian just passed out, then jo finished himself off.

    Plumy July 22, 2024 2:59 am
    So everyone is spreading misinfo? All over Twitter there are people claiming he SA’ed and even in mangago comments section. Huraioz

    Yes. And the answer is simply because they don't like him as he get in the way of their ship and they twist part of the story to fit in their narrative. This is why it's important to read the story without a bias and come up with your own opinion. Also have pay attention because many things in previous chapters correlate to upcoming chapters. Many things in S1 are brought up in S2 and imply situations, that's why many readers are confused sometimes.

    Addic July 22, 2024 3:41 am

    One of the reasons why I feel these 3 ending up together would be great!!yes.....I meant the three of them.Those 3 deserves each other for them to heal and sustain...and I'm adding jo cus he brings clarity to others and vise versa.

    ayfct July 22, 2024 6:13 am
    he pulled out and finished himself off. Homelzs

    That's not true... But chapter 52 is right there if anyone wants to check. Ian clearly didn't want to continue, he looked distressed, he tried to redirect Jo's attention to the camera, he said he doesn't have anything left, called Jo by his full name. Then he started slumping and staggering but Jo held him up and continued thrusting and talking. When Ian didn't answer, Jo noticed that he's passed out. He continued thrusting, he's inside and holding Ian's hips. You can literally count the thrusts. Then there's a panel of their legs when Jo moves up to finish himself off on Ian's face.
    "with tj to go even after he passes out" it was "'til", UNTIL he passes out, not after. And permission to TJ isn't permission to Jo. And even if Ian wouldn't mind, Jo has no reason to think that.

    ayfct July 22, 2024 6:19 am
    That's not true... But chapter 52 is right there if anyone wants to check. Ian clearly didn't want to continue, he looked distressed, he tried to redirect Jo's attention to the camera, he said he doesn't have a... ayfct

    Also he took the chance to come on Ian's face. In their first scene he asked for that repeatedly. So he knows it's something he should be asking about. He never received the permission. But now he did that without asking when Ian can't even answer. He took the chance to do whatever he wants and fulfil his fantasy when Ian can't say "no".

    ayfct July 22, 2024 11:20 am
    plus just in my opinion i don't really think that is automatically classified as SA because it's not like the sex was initiated while ian was asleep, also they're characters we don't really know the boundaries ... Homelzs

    Sex with a person who's passed out is literally SA by law. And yeah some couples like that, it's a kink. But it's something that has to be established before the situation takes place. Kinks like that aren't something you just do without the other person's agreement. "Ian never said or implied for Jo to stop" as I said before, he did imply to stop and then he passed out, he can't retract his consent when he's unconscious. That's why it's SA, Ian never agreed to it and as it happens he can't make decisions because he's incapacitated. How was he supposed to say anything when he's unaware that it's happening...

    Homelzs July 23, 2024 4:49 am
    Sex with a person who's passed out is literally SA by law. And yeah some couples like that, it's a kink. But it's something that has to be established before the situation takes place. Kinks like that aren't so... ayfct

    atp you're talking to yourself. i never said that ian didn't tell jo to stop so you shouldn't quote things like i said them if you're tryna make an argument. all i said is that i see this as more of a dubious act than an SA and I don't think it should be compared to the stuff that TJ has done to ian. im not trying to defend jo or side with jo honestly im more of a fan of TJ and im not saying it's a good thing either. i just think the two shouldn't be compared because it's apparent to me atleast that jo's actions don't have malicious intent and he manipulates ian in a way because he doesn't want him to leave him, TJ manipulates ian because he knows ian will always come back like during christmas when he found out that ian would be with jo and so they faked the car crash or wtv (its been awhile since ive read the ep)

    Homelzs July 23, 2024 4:50 am
    Sex with a person who's passed out is literally SA by law. And yeah some couples like that, it's a kink. But it's something that has to be established before the situation takes place. Kinks like that aren't so... ayfct

    my overall point was that I think jo just got carried away and I don't think it should be compared to the times that TJ has also SAd ian or let him be SAd.