Rumors about the author dying has been circulating now but no one cares at this point (if you look at the comments) ‘cause apparently the author literally dying is not an excuse to give a half-ass ending. I literally got blocked by a user called “LUXIN” for calling her out bcs she apparently deserves more because she bought 40 chapters of this manhwa. she even called the author unprofessional for being sick.
Also, someone has been spreading false info about the author making a new project just to ignite the fire. The project they’re talking about is a novel made by the same author that was made way back in 2022.

People need to stop having intense attachment to these kinds of series. Just because they're getting entertained, doesn't mean the author is doing well.
Honestly people have no sympathy. And kudos to you for calling them out, them blocking you just means that they're an ashat.
I still pray that the author is doing well, even after all the rumors.
There's been word circulating not only in twitter but also tiktok that the author of this is severely sick, and can barely do things they usually do. And some even said that they already died after a few months of their hiatus.
Just correct me if im wrong, since using tiktok and twitter as a probable source is not the best idea of mine.
Let's just pray for the author guys, doesn't matter if you believe in any Godly being. Let's just think about the author's wellbeing.