In Riarte's current life, how old was she when she first met Micheal Birche and offered or...

Crimson Bites July 21, 2024 11:45 am

In Riarte's current life, how old was she when she first met Micheal Birche and offered or was offered a beneficial deal? Like in the window scene, I'm just curious. I'm currently in Chapter 12 and Micheal mentioned coming of age, I'm still learning in these parts

    Crimson Bites July 21, 2024 11:46 am

    Micheal? Mihail? I don't know, please answerrrr

    mai July 21, 2024 9:31 pm

    before her coming of age so ig 17 or 19 depending on what the age for coming of age is (omg this sentence is so weird) but if i remember correctly 17!!

    Crimson Bites July 22, 2024 7:08 am
    before her coming of age so ig 17 or 19 depending on what the age for coming of age is (omg this sentence is so weird) but if i remember correctly 17!! mai

    Do you also know how old the ML was?