Yeah like Jaekyung and Taeju and that guy from terminus... They all were totally loan sharks and sexual abusers but they never hit or drugged the bottoms. Not to mention there was no chaining up like "dogs" or verbal humiliation there, so yeah definitely worse. But the people have been kind to him haha... he's been *somehow* redeemed. Plus it started so long ago.( The cutie baby might be a big reason too lol)

No actually, I lean more towards the side that you're on. It's just that I started it and then after hating the uke for all his actions and abuse I later just turned my brain off coz you can check out another long comment that I left about how their are double standards while forgiving mc/bottoms as opposed to tops when both are toxic. The story gets better but no matter what it won't erase all the fucked up shit the uke did to an innocent person. There was a trend for doormat uke's and asshole tops back then and now the roles have reversed in many recent manhwas. What's trash should be called as it is whether it's mc or ml. But as u can some characters are excused easily while the others are bashed.
Honestly I just be clicking and reading anything when I see a character that has long hair lol but bro I’m barely five chapters in and my brows have never been this scrunched while I’m reading. That ceo guy(?) is worse than jaekyung how does one get redeemed after that, I’m genuinely asking