Crazy mf

gojo's cum dumpster July 21, 2024 3:28 am

BRO WHY EVEN BLAME HER LIKE EVERYTHING IS HER FAULT OR SMTH, plus isn’t that kinda thing normal for noble’s. Bro he acting like she or her father was the one who tortured them

    SapphireRose July 21, 2024 8:27 am

    If either of them are to blame for anything it’d be the father as he is literally a man with all the power (or most?) she’s truly just that “a nobles daughter” incredibly ignorant, sheltered and raised to think the way her father thinks.

    He had a crush on a girl he didn’t know, the thing with crushes is you make up this ideal person in your mind of what you THINK they’re like only to almost always be completely wrong. Instead of just accepting that he made it his life’s mission to feed his hate on the upper class and take it all out on her- he’s a shit idc about his backstory I know they’ll prob end up together again he’s still a shit and she deserves better

    gojo's cum dumpster July 21, 2024 8:47 am
    If either of them are to blame for anything it’d be the father as he is literally a man with all the power (or most?) she’s truly just that “a nobles daughter” incredibly ignorant, sheltered and raised ... SapphireRose

    She does. Bro everytime his pov comes up its just pure shit like damn he acting like a cunt when he was the reason why she wants to die