Skinny female characters

hermitthefrog July 20, 2024 11:06 pm

Anyone else always so shocked about mcs Being so skinny?? Like yeah ik the media and stuff like that but what about the fat ones? Or the curvy ones? Or just generally people who aren't fat or skinny? Or people with a broad body shape? How do all characters have the same body shape and figure??(Guys please drop a workout routine that works, I really want that summer body)

    Meow July 21, 2024 12:49 am

    Sorry, I don't think you can get this hourglass figure. It's really realistic. Look up the human body, and you'll see it's ridiculous. I mean, look at them! Where do you think their organs go? THEY DON'T.

    but if you want to get healthier, I recommend cutting down on sugar and white bread. You can also create a schedule where you work out a bit. It really depends on how much you're doing now, start small and increase the intensity a bit by bit.
    MAKE SURE TO NOT GIVE MONEY TO ANYONE WHO MAKES BIG PROMISES! don't trust anyone who says "I'll make you lose 40 kilos in 2 weeks 100% trust me"
    Just be careful, take advice from experienced friends and don't be too hard on yourself, remember those are drawings! You can't be them. And maybe it's just genetics.