interesting connundrum

kickassfu July 20, 2024 8:59 pm

taehyuk dies because hangyeol's brother runs him over because they're dating. so if hangyeol removes himself from taehyuk's life it means there's no reason for the brother to kill him. therefore hangyeol leaving might actually be for the "better". like i get where he's coming from, would you not do the same? would you not prefer the misery of being without the person you love just for the knowledge they got to live?

but in the end life isn't so straightforward, he might die anyway. he might die sooner because if you change one thing, you change everything and the future is just a big fucking unknown.

idk why i wasn't expecting this to get so philosophical because it makes perfect sense. also it made me cry, that he'd give up the one thing that gave him joy and love, just for the chance that he could live.

anyway pls ignore the ramblings of a tired dumbass

    Ochako July 27, 2024 6:23 pm

    Yes, it is true in a sense. But you also have to consider that it sets a precedent to everything that will happen from now on. Hangyeol's brother would expect to have the right to control Hangyeol's life even after he grows up. And Hangyeol would most likely keep putting up with it bc everything else will seem like a small compromise compared to letting Taehyuk go.
    Also what applies to Taehyuk, will apply to everyone Hangyeol loves or would every love including his friends and family.
    People like Hangyeol's brother would go to any extent to keep someone under their thumb when they deem them as their possession, which is why its best to cut these people out and stay as far as possible but even then you might not be safe. Just bc someone considers you their possession doesn't mean you have to live a miserable life at their mercy.

    Meandme July 27, 2024 11:41 pm

    Honestly I would just kill my brother if they killed my lover. Good for him or whatever, but an eye for an eye. You kill my lover I kill you. Serve some years and go back to your lover. Also choose the country wisely.

    kickassfu July 28, 2024 10:21 am
    Yes, it is true in a sense. But you also have to consider that it sets a precedent to everything that will happen from now on. Hangyeol's brother would expect to have the right to control Hangyeol's life even a... Ochako

    oh yes 100% it's a slippery slope, the more he gives in to his brother the more he loses of himself/his life/his freedom.

    but that isn't really part of the connundrum i was talking about i think? i was talking about the time travel aspect, and on hangyeol's feelings (not the reality of if he gives in to his brother now his life is doomed, because yes it is. ofc it is). But if he knows he brother kills taehyuk in the future because they are dating, removing himself means taehyuk is supposed to live. like that's a logical conclusion. i just think it's fascinating the idea of making ourselves miserable for the possibility of someone else's happinness/survival.

    but yes if he does this it means he cannot fall in love with anyone in the future, nor have any friends because his brother will ruin that for him as well and he knows it. he'll once again become an empty husk

    kickassfu July 28, 2024 10:23 am
    Honestly I would just kill my brother if they killed my lover. Good for him or whatever, but an eye for an eye. You kill my lover I kill you. Serve some years and go back to your lover. Also choose the country ... Meandme

    honestly me