BL with slice of life genre— Just a question

MACAROONS July 20, 2024 4:01 pm

Have you ever found yourself sad when you read a BL with slice of life genre? Like them marrying, getting old, dying with old age? I feel a little bit sad after I read them it's just I though of life. I'm scared of my family getting older and me being alone.

Have you ever felt that?

    MACAROONS July 20, 2024 4:00 pm

    Ah, me having these strange thoughts. Welp, can't be helped it's midnight.

    meepmop July 20, 2024 4:42 pm

    yes. that was Tale of the Yellow Dragon I read that ONCE it took me so long to finish because I couldn't stop crying and had to take long breaks to forget what happened in the previous chapter, I would never reread it until I completely forgot about it .....i actually can't rmb what it's about I just know it hurt me so bad

    MACAROONS July 21, 2024 12:29 am
    yes. that was Tale of the Yellow Dragon I read that ONCE it took me so long to finish because I couldn't stop crying and had to take long breaks to forget what happened in the previous chapter, I would never re... meepmop

    Oh! That one! I remember I also read that xD it's hard to forget that manwha so I read a lot of other manga to completely forget about it.