sophie_A July 20, 2024 12:31 pm

Please excuse my English.
This manga is pretty cute and the drawings are beautiful. However, I don’t think the ‘representation’ part is that good as people want to push and I want to focus on that aspect. Don’t get me wrong, is obvious a lot of research was done, I personally appreciate the focus in accessibility. And I think the mangaka put great care and love in here. I liked that.

What throws me away is this narrative that MC disability makes him somewhat 'incomplete'. Now, I know MC is pretty insecure, but is always able bodied people who help him overcome those feelings. In the first part, when he shows insecurity about flying for the first time, the lover tells him how 'wheelchair users are amazing and can do the same as others' and ‘he is not a burden’. This puts some blame in MC as, I’m pretty sure, making disabled people some kind of ‘superheroes’ is a pretty common ableist motif.

Another thing is that MC broke with his lover because he feels ‘he was too broken (as a disabled person) for him’. Now, this comes from a place of insecurity, but it would have been amazing if the mangaka put more care on this and acknowledge MC thinking as wrong so able bodied people (the main readers of this manga) understand the weight of this way of thinking. IDK, this conflict feels like a cheap way of creating drama. I feel the mangaka lost the opportunity of making this better, like if they fleshed those feelings a little more and focus in more context, where they come from and why they exist in the first place. I think is better to show how this way of thinking is part of something bigger: internalized hate than disabled people suffer and not just some individual insecurity from MC.

Lastly, the second volume gets a little better. However, still feels like MC relays in his husband and their relationship too much for validation, instead of himself. I don’t have that much problem in MC wishing to walk, but how those feelings get brushed under the rug when his lover gives him a ring. Again, he even says ‘There are more things I can’t do that things I can do’, I would prefer if the mangaka explore more the psyche of the MC. I feel it would make the story much better in terms of representation if MC gets to a point where he can love himself in a more fulfilling way.

At the end, I do like a lot of details and I think their love was crafted beautifully. Is just the ‘representation’ part that bothers me, as I think this mangaka has great potential. If you look at this manga for better representation, I don’t think this is the best example (though is way way better than other stories), but if you look for a cute love story between two people who respect each other, this is something you can enjoy. Just be aware.

Art 8/10
Representation 6/10
History 7/10

    Kite August 11, 2024 11:41 am

    This was so well said, thank you. <3

    There's a reason that there's the saying "Nothing about us, Without us". I do not know the author's personal life but I brought this up mainly for those who are unaware of how hard the disabled community has had to fight to be heard. Unfortunately many able bodied folks are not versed in disability history, politics, and life so the closest they get to it,,, is these fictional stories...
    I highly encourage people to try to educate themselves more.

    Fun reminder: you can become disabled at any point in your life and you absolutely should take that seriously and care about your disabled community members

    ShyGirl20 September 10, 2024 11:48 am

    While I don't know your specific situation I would like to argue that this was very real, very good representation of what it feels like to be someone with a disability. I am in the exact situation as the MC except my injury level is from the chest down but the internal struggles he was dealing with and how his outside world interacted with him reflected my experience.

    I don't think there was a moment where he was made out to be a "superhero" for doing the basics of living and trying new things. Yes he was given encouragement from his loved ones but it was never in a condescending way that came out wrong. I've had my run-ins with the latter half of people and in this story I didn't see that happen.

    When it comes to the insecurity aspect, I do agree maybe a deeper conversation between the MC and ML would've helped explain more of what it feels like to doubt forming relationships when you have so much baggage to bring. That's one of the main things I struggle with currently with my significant other, the ability to not feel like I'm bringing them down with me. Constantly I just want to run away from everything and break up with him as to avoid these awful feelings, much like how the MC did in the first half of the story which in all honestly I appreciated as I felt so represented in having those thoughts and feelings shown in a vulnerable way.

    But I think by the end of the mangka, the MC is on the road to recovery, self-love, confidence, and most of all acceptance. He stops worrying over how he will adapt to different situations, like going on trips with his husband or friends. He stops worrying over things like riding in airplanes and going on trips with his parents. Yes you mention that you feel he relies too much on his husband for validation and it would be wonderful if he was confident in himself but the reality is that he needs that support. As much as we want him to be independent, having that love and reassurance is so essential when having to live with having a disability. Personally I do love myself and I try to live my life with my head held high, but I too depend on people I love to validate my feelings and existence. Especially when I live in a world that doesn't have me in mind, a world that I have to make it my own. And to be honest I think validation from others applies to everyone to some degree, disability or not. Maybe some need more of it than others, and maybe I'm just one of those people that need it more but I feel that what I read here was representation of my life.

    Unknown Xo September 24, 2024 7:14 am
    While I don't know your specific situation I would like to argue that this was very real, very good representation of what it feels like to be someone with a disability. I am in the exact situation as the MC ex... ShyGirl20

    This is truly how I feel... well said