
Hahaha. Did he say months? I thought it was days. Lolol. Regardless, I still think those lines are a little much, tbh. My MIL just hit 60 this year and she looks like she's barely 40, which is insane. Lol. My hubby too is 37 and he looks like he's mid-twenties. Good genes right there. I remember when mangakas used to make people barely hitting 30 have lines around their eyes as if they were 50 or so. Was so misleading. I was always thinking, "who have you met that looks like that in their 30s?!" Lol
They're in their 30s and they're drawn like they're in their 50s. I'm 33 and I get told constantly that I barely look 24. Lines like that don't show up until late 40s, early 50s......damn he's got a good bod though