I changed my mind about liking this despite being a harem. . . . . . . Ive come to my sens...

yforever125 July 20, 2024 11:38 am

I changed my mind about liking this despite being a harem.
Ive come to my senses. The pt of this story is that mc is an extreme scumbag. There's barely any redeeming quality. I feel sorry for the women he's intentionally manipulated down into a dark path, and the future women too. If scumbag mc is what you enjoy then this story is really solid, but the emotional manipulation(/highkey abuse) and gaslighting of these women is a lot, and it makes me sad because there are many being emotionally abused like this in real life. Especially the part where mc puts the gaslighting dial to the max when yandere clearly caught him having an affair. I read some novel spoilers and there's more of that treatment to come.

I still stand by what i said about the love interests being op and talented. But im not gonna glorify the MC's abuse anymore :,(

    Lack of sleep July 21, 2024 10:49 am

    I don't get you, we all know mc is a irredeemable scumbag????? That's like his whole point, he's a bad person

    July 21, 2024 11:00 am
    I don't get you, we all know mc is a irredeemable scumbag????? That's like his whole point, he's a bad person Lack of sleep

    Yeah, I'm really confused. I thought it would be obvious? From chapter one, we can see how he operates and works. He definitely has his own good qualities but he's not a good person. The thing about Hayan is it wasn't actually Kiyoung's fault. In fact, he just wanted a sibling like relationship but because of Hayan being incredibly attached to him and being obsessed with him, he used that to his own benefit

    tati July 21, 2024 4:02 pm

    How did it take u so long to realize that, that makes kiyoung unique. Fist chap revealed his nature

    yforever125 July 21, 2024 11:37 pm

    I guess it's my fault for not being fully clear? In the link above (which was my first comment before this one) my main focus was the harem trope and how i liked how it was handled here. If you go back, i never *not* acknowledged that he's a scumbag, i knew what he was from the beginning, and I've had my fair share of scumbag/villain mcs that I've enjoyed so I'm not averse to the trope. In my first link, and ig in this comment as well, what i shldve stressed is the *harem* trope that im usually aversed too.

    I tend to avoid most harem tropes because I'm a found family lover- with polygamy/polycules therefore being an offshoot of that- and it's really boring seeing a bunch of 1 dimensional characters (and that 1 dimension of their character usually being purely sexual) surrounding the mc who is doing interesting actions in the plot (and the love interests generally being a hindrance to the plot on top of that). I really enjoy this harem however because the characters themselves are really powerful and needed in the plot to make up for the mc being pitifully weak (at least in this start).

    I continued reading the novel at the equivalent chapter after these ones, so i have my spoilers of how it can get, and ive also read plenty FMC stories where one of the antagonists wld be their narcissistic exbf who is a serial cheater, so with all these perspectives, my mind just cleared up that's all ┑( ̄∇ ̄")┍. Even though ive enjoyed scumbag protagonists, this is my first time reading them in harems, and i just dont like seeing abuse in relationships, that's just my opinion? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ manipulate and sabotage other ppl xD

    Also, about Hayan, don't say that it is not his 'fault' because he doesn't consider it a flaw, being dependent and attached to him is something he purposefully cultivated, the 'how' was just out of his expectations. Saying it's not his fault sounds like it absolves him of responsibility, when we all know very well that he finds their relationship now much more beneficial to him than what he intended, and there's a chapter in which he absolutely revels in it too.

    I still like this story, very unique and compelling plot, with engaging characters, im just not glorifying it anymore. Simple enough...

    July 22, 2024 12:01 am
    I guess it's my fault for not being fully clear? In the link above (which was my first comment before this one) my main focus was the harem trope and how i liked how it was handled here. If you go back, i neve... yforever125

    Exactly, how she ended up wasn’t exactly his fault. He wanted her to depend on him, yes, but he didn’t want her to be dependent in THAT way. A part of the reason why Hayan ended up being like that is because her mental state was bad from the beginning and to her, Kiyoung was her light and savior. Kiyoung took advantage of that to get into a “sibling-like” relationship with her but that’s not what Hayan wanted. THAT isn’t his fault, that’s Hayan’s honest feelings. What is his fault is how he took advantage of those feelings to have a powerful pawn on his side.