Hmmmmmm there's a potential for that to be happen. I mean he's been breed weirdly (straight to the stoamach like wtf) by that alien right. I think he's like a host for the alien.
Hmmmmmm there's a potential for that to be happen. I mean he's been breed weirdly (straight to the stoamach like wtf) by that alien right. I think he's like a host for the alien. nekohime1303
Girl I thought the same. The weird alien planting its eggs in him so as to facilitate its birth and the bottom being fodder to the then born aliens
Girl I thought the same. The weird alien planting its eggs in him so as to facilitate its birth and the bottom being fodder to the then born aliens Yjk x Kdj
ikrrr! but I just hope the alien plant a womb instead off his eggs...
Boi this better not turn into Alien where MC be birthing a damn alien egg geez