Love this! Why is this getting so short? Huhu. Can’t people separate fiction and fanta...

Confused biatch July 19, 2024 11:25 pm

Love this! Why is this getting so short? Huhu.

Can’t people separate fiction and fantasy from reality? I see a lot of complaints, yet they continue reading it. I would find it disgusting if it happened in real life or if real people acted it out. But in this context, I just find it entertaining, and both of them are so hot and pretty, ignoring their personality.

    SeokjinSunoo July 19, 2024 11:30 pm

    Exactly if they don't like anything about it why do they keep reading like damn gurl just click off no one's forcing themI'm scared of ppl who take fiction too seriously like if they're passionate about this topic go do charity work irl like complaining on mangago of all places is gonna do nothing

    TrueEyes9 July 20, 2024 12:45 am

    Thank you, like they too serious about simple drawings like move on people