The artist is making some big ass mistakes

Kuroitenshi17 July 19, 2024 5:38 pm

The author wants everyone to end up liking the omega and alpha together but real emotions are only shown between the interactions between the beta and the alpha. Even true reactions of the alpha when issues started happening with the omega are nothing compared to this scene. The instant rage and the tears looked so serious which you expect from a real relationship while the interactions between the omega and alpha are all juvenile and I don’t even understand the attraction it’s literally only physical.

Everyone by now knows the ending and I still can’t believe it’s a happy ending because the omega is not a good parent. Yes I know someone is gonna say I can just stop reading but because of my OCD once I start reading something I can’t drop it <_<.

It’s also weird the beta didn’t cheat in the novel but the author decided to make them cheat here which makes it weirder because it doesn’t explain why the beta won’t just leave the alpha for the other guy who treats him better …..

    Bananas July 19, 2024 10:06 pm

    Good Lord, I agree on every point. The beta cheering is just a desperate move of the author to force us to be ok with the alpha and omega disgustingness. It makes ABSOLUTELY no sense why the Beta hasn’t moved on yet, other than the author wanting things to be “spicy” and justify the more disgusting relationship.

    Kuroitenshi17 July 19, 2024 10:41 pm

    The author made an even bigger mistake because why is it that the alpha has never been to the beta bedroom but all of a sudden not only is beta cheating but the beta allowed someone he doesn’t have as much history with into his room …… Also now that I take a step back and think about everything why didn’t the alpha smell the pheromones coming off of his boyfriend from the very beginning. This entire story is being stretched whether it’s the novel or this manhwa. How the hell can he live with his dad and the alpha never smelled those pheromones before it’s just huge plot holes

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! July 19, 2024 11:07 pm

    The problem with novel readers is that they expect the manhwa adaptation to be exactly the same. But that isn't always the case because the adaptation of a story means that changes can be applied to the plot as the writer deems fit, of course with permission of the original author. So, it's about time that people stop expecting the manhwa plot to play out like the novel because it clearly won't. As for your comment "Everyone by now knows the ending...", to that I'll say, do they really? Again, this is an adaptation and we can expect any change to the plot at any point in time, and that includes the ending.

    Bananas July 20, 2024 5:59 am
    The problem with novel readers is that they expect the manhwa adaptation to be exactly the same. But that isn't always the case because the adaptation of a story means that changes can be applied to the plot as... FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    I haven’t read the novel and I stand by everything I said. It has nothing to do with the novel, the manwha is just stupid. And of course we know how it’s going to end, it’s so obvious. It’s not exactly a smart, plot twisting story we got dealing with here.

    Kuroitenshi17 July 21, 2024 3:16 pm
    I haven’t read the novel and I stand by everything I said. It has nothing to do with the novel, the manwha is just stupid. And of course we know how it’s going to end, it’s so obvious. It’s not exactly ... Bananas

    I can’t reply to that person So thank you lol