I'm still a bit confused on the relationship between him/the other gods and the pieces. Ar...

Eva July 19, 2024 4:53 pm

I'm still a bit confused on the relationship between him/the other gods and the pieces. Are they actual living people whose lives he as a god took control of? Are they like literal inanimate beings that gods give life to and they suddenly exist out of nowhere just to be the gods' pieces (if I'm not wrong they actually planned their background, personality and future actions)? Or ar they like an incarnation of the gods and can be considered his alternative lives? I don't remember it being explained in detail... or maybe I should just reread from the beginning

    Ashlay Tan July 19, 2024 7:52 pm

    I think, it's only my opinion but hear me out. I have two theories about the god, or at least that what they called themselves. The first one, the 'god' is not really god but they came from a planet more advanced than Snowman's so they are in control of the situation in the game. The other one was well they are god, but merely by name and did not have any power (they did say that they need the madness). Snowman situation was that he has been dreaming non-stop about playing the game with the god, I also have two theories why he at the God's place; first, he is an orphan so we didn't know much about his parents but he could inherited the god position from them, the second one is he was chosen by one of the god, cause Kodon was sus.

    Ashlay Tan July 19, 2024 7:58 pm

    All 30 piece that snowman have play before have left their presence in the game, knowledge, skill, relationship,... Bla bla, he could gain a lots if he, hmm seize their memory, i guess.
    That's all i have to say. My English is pretty crappy, so, sorry if i do not make any sense.

    Eva July 19, 2024 8:11 pm
    I think, it's only my opinion but hear me out. I have two theories about the god, or at least that what they called themselves. The first one, the 'god' is not really god but they came from a planet more advanc... Ashlay Tan

    Those are interesting theories, you might be right!
    I'm trying not to go and spoil myself by reading the novel because I think this story in particular is probably better enjoyed as a manhwa

    westwind July 20, 2024 4:10 am

    Now that you mention it, I realize that they really haven’t explained it yet. For me, it felt a bit like they were playing D&D but with, yk, the power of gods, so it felt a bit like the former more than the latter, specially since other gods are flippant when it comes to pieces dying (iirc).

    Ashlay Tan July 20, 2024 6:15 pm
    Those are interesting theories, you might be right! I'm trying not to go and spoil myself by reading the novel because I think this story in particular is probably better enjoyed as a manhwa Eva

    I will not reading the novel, im fine with manhwa even if they said it's not as detail as the novel. Bruh, my English is not made for English novel. I have poopy brain.

    Ashlay Tan July 20, 2024 6:22 pm
    Now that you mention it, I realize that they really haven’t explained it yet. For me, it felt a bit like they were playing D&D but with, yk, the power of gods, so it felt a bit like the former more than t... westwind

    Right! It's like DnD and the god kinda suck as the game in my opinion, well, it not like we see them play the game much but, but compared to Snowman who willingly to take risk and calculate the best road to succeed, they kinda meh. I think that what made human human, we have a shorter time on earth, and Snowman only have little time to play when he asleep but he spend tons of time thinking about this game.
    I will read it again, later, not now, i still remember bit and bit.

    westwind July 21, 2024 4:07 am
    Right! It's like DnD and the god kinda suck as the game in my opinion, well, it not like we see them play the game much but, but compared to Snowman who willingly to take risk and calculate the best road to suc... Ashlay Tan

    That’s true; the gods just don’t seem to care for their pieces the way that Snowman did. Maybe that’s how he’ll get them eventually