Huhuhuhu idk but I just want them to work together and destroy the Yoomyung cult huhu. I k...

Lili July 19, 2024 9:32 am

Huhuhuhu idk but I just want them to work together and destroy the Yoomyung cult huhu. I know they did something unforgivable for him but I can't help it huhuhu. Maybe I just forgive easily. Let them pay back for the things they have done to you, but I wish you'll give them a 2nd chance too. Except for your stepmom. I just hate her that much.

    Husky July 25, 2024 11:32 pm

    Same! Though I don't care about the bratty sister and the selfish brother, I hope that the kinder brother that went to that sect and heard about the Yoomyung cult be on our MC's side

    RandomPasserby July 26, 2024 12:19 am

    In all honesty, for me, if you did cruel things as a child, it can be forgiven, for a child knows no better. The one who should be punished are the adults around them, who taught them such cruel things or did not punish them. So for me, the siblings arent iredeemable, but they have to suffer amd grovel for forgiveness before being forgiven but the mother should burn alive as she watches Jukha take everything she had covetted.