jooin is trash

TachibanaChiharu July 19, 2024 8:31 pm

jooin is one of the worst written characters i've ever seen. i just cannot finish reading this series because of his nonsensical and counterintuitive behavior.

jooin refuses to state what he wants despite being asked directly by yahwi multiple times. they have a sex-friends-ish relationship anyway. then jooin stupidly lets some other guy live with him despite barely knowing him, who secretly has designs on breaking them up. cain is introduced so late in the story that you know immediately that he doesn't stand a chance, so every chapter and panel depicting the buildup of jooin and cain's relationship is a waste of time because everyone knows it'll go nowhere. jooin caused every bad thing that happened to him by his own stupid mouth and actions.

the argument jooin has with yahwi on jooin's birthday is the stupidest thing i've ever read. go back and reread ch65-66 and really pay attention to the conversation. yahwi overreacts to the hickey demanding to know what it was and where it came from, and then when jooin starts getting upset at being interrogated, yahwi steps off so as to not upset him, and then like two comments later, jooin yells at yahwi that "of course he [yahwi] would never care if jooin was messing around with other people!" when not like two comments ago yahwi was about to lose it because of the hickey. and of course after yelling a bunch of stuff at yahwi that yahwi never said and never indicated was his opinion, then yelling that they should never have met, and then storms out and immediately goes home, climbs in bed, and thinks about how he still likes yahwi and wonders if he'll ever get over him. yahwi just said a hundred times that he likes jooin and that they should date and that he'll treat him well etc etc. what in the hell, jooin? do you even have a brain? get it together! ugh!

there's a ton of other issues in this comic besides just how crappy jooin is. the fact that this is basically just a clone of the previous comic is not the least of them. but i just don't feel like creating an itemized list this time, it'll be infinitely long. this is more than enough. this author needs to take a year off comic writing and just read like 1000 other BL stories by other people so their writing will improve and they'll stop wasting all this pretty good art on trash plots and trash characters.

    Coco July 19, 2024 10:38 am

    Rant more ... I agree

    Inque July 19, 2024 5:11 pm

    Even though I like Jooin he really is a shitty ass person that created a shitty situation then plays victim. It angered me to no end that he accused Yahwi of shit when he was being petty and mean by using Cain to spite Yahwi. Years ago I hate how people were acting like Jooin is the victim when the whole mess was his doing. Just needed to rant but you've put it all together the best

    shifujo July 20, 2024 2:03 pm

    The three of them are toxic in their own ways

    Handeuponemiku July 21, 2024 6:46 am

    While I do find Jooin so frustrating, he's not the worst written character ever. You do have to understand that he had to deal with emotions he's never had and in such a short amount of time. If you've ever experienced it and are self-aware of it, you probably wouldn't have written this in the first place.

    Cain wasn't a waste of time because Cain is what allowed Jooin to feel what warmth was in a relationship, and what allowed Yahwi to reflect on his actions and to make him realize his feelings for Jooin.

    The conversation they had on Jooin's birthday, while sooooo irritatingly frustrating, showed how much lack of communication and distrust they've had for each other. It was the point where they've made assumptions about each other and jumping to conclusions because that's really how much they don't know about each other at all.

    This doesn't feel like a clone to me, but more of a huge improvement from their last work. It had to deal with a lot of conplex emotions that most authors would give up working on, but they didn't. You're probably young and inexperienced so you wouldn't have understood these characters' actions, but once you've lived more years and have went through differenct facets of life, especially love life, you'll see that it's not as different and you'll relate to it in some way.

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ July 27, 2024 6:59 am

    Yall are so extra.. he's not that bad. Just bc he didn't pick the man you wanted doesn't make him bad

    Inque July 27, 2024 8:44 am
    Yall are so extra.. he's not that bad. Just bc he didn't pick the man you wanted doesn't make him bad Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    I always liked hwijoo and even though Jooins feelings are justified doesn't mean his actions are. Even Yahwi and Cain had never experienced such emotions before but they are often held rightfully accountable why should Jooin not held accountable for being the conduit of a shitty situation?

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ July 27, 2024 3:11 pm
    I always liked hwijoo and even though Jooins feelings are justified doesn't mean his actions are. Even Yahwi and Cain had never experienced such emotions before but they are often held rightfully accountable wh... Inque

    Because Jooin never asked for a love triangle. He got pulled into a complicated love triangle with 2 men who are in deep love with him and he cares about them both. Yes for 2 different reasons but they both mean a lot to him, one he's in love with and the other he cherishes as a friend. Yall think Jooin is doing the most and is dumb but you try being in a complicated love triangle and see how he felt. There are ukes that are wayyy worse than Jooin

    Inque July 27, 2024 7:57 pm
    Because Jooin never asked for a love triangle. He got pulled into a complicated love triangle with 2 men who are in deep love with him and he cares about them both. Yes for 2 different reasons but they both me... Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    You skipped the part where I said his feelings are justified but his actions aren't. Feelings and actions aren't synonymous. He still hurt two people that loved him. The story literally doesn't condone his behaviour otherwise he'd continue his little limbo relationship with both of them.

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ July 27, 2024 10:24 pm
    You skipped the part where I said his feelings are justified but his actions aren't. Feelings and actions aren't synonymous. He still hurt two people that loved him. The story literally doesn't condone his beha... Inque

    Anyway doesn't change the fact he was pulled into a love triangle. Yahwi was the one he always wanted to begin with. He didn't ask for Cain to join in on the tango. Thank you bye