Constant fatshaming

OpiSin July 19, 2024 12:02 am

I know this is a plot reflective of the unrealistic beauty standards attached to people of all genders, in particular women in South Korea but it's still hard to read ╥﹏╥

I love a haughty and confident queen, but it seems the constant fatshaming isn't going to be confined to just a few chapters.

Given the hints within the 1st chapter, I'd guess she's going to be considered 'fat' for the whole 1st season

Please can you add a trigger warning Scanlator-nim

    LaNansha July 19, 2024 12:15 am

    Well, it’s not just about unrealistic beauty standards. They clearly stated that she dies at an early age due to obesity. While she acknowledged that the original FL was actually content enough with herself, the fact is she had a real problem. Her goal is to be healthy so she doesn’t die early. As for the fat-shaming, I get your point, but at the same time, that’s just the reality of the world we live in. I feel like it would be like asking for trigger-warning in stories where the FL is considered ugly. There are many stories like that. If it’s too much for someone to read that, then they should drop it as they know whats in store for them at the very beginning anyway.

    OpiSin July 19, 2024 12:48 am
    Well, it’s not just about unrealistic beauty standards. They clearly stated that she dies at an early age due to obesity. While she acknowledged that the original FL was actually content enough with herself, ... LaNansha

    That's a large part of my point, the author definitely seems to have a perspective on what they deem is 'healthy'. The ongoing narrative for the plot seems to be if you're not immensely thin, then you are 1) unhealthy and 2) not worthy of respect. In general there's quite a lot of bodyshaming in the plot, but I didn't want to write an essay ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Your other point about a trigger warning for other plots. I'd be down for that. It'd give people a head's up and then they can choose whether to read something or not without having to be triggered.

    Also, we already usually do it i.e. warning if the story has a tragedy. For example BLs in particular have warnings if there is rape or dubious consent

    Moreover I'd also question what makes a character 'ugly' in the plot. 7/10 if it's a manga/manhwa/manhua it's due to their weight

    LaNansha July 19, 2024 1:06 am
    That's a large part of my point, the author definitely seems to have a perspective on what they deem is 'healthy'. The ongoing narrative for the plot seems to be if you're not immensely thin, then you are 1) un... OpiSin

    No, the result is she’ll be immensely thin and we know this because we’ve seen what she’ll
    Look like n chapter 1, but she was no more than fit in her past life. But obesity is obesity. It makes sense, plot-wise, for her to lose that weight in order to be healthy just as it makes sense for someone who was active as she was to seek to lose all that weight. I feel like we just understand that part of the story very differently. She’s not starving herself. Hell, she even allowed herself to eat something that goes again the Roman of losing weight just to go out and eat with her dad.

    Aira1.6 July 19, 2024 2:57 am
    That's a large part of my point, the author definitely seems to have a perspective on what they deem is 'healthy'. The ongoing narrative for the plot seems to be if you're not immensely thin, then you are 1) un... OpiSin

    The main reason she strived to lose weight was so the body doesnt die at 45 as it did when the original soul was still there. And as one commenter pointed out, the new soul is used to being active and fit, so it makes sense she'd follow the same regime as she had in her original body. Let's also note that the new soul acknowledged the original soul beautifully and in no way did she deem the old soul negatively. As to the "fat shaming" parts, imo it's necessary for the plot.

    OpiSin July 19, 2024 3:22 am
    No, the result is she’ll be immensely thin and we know this because we’ve seen what she’llLook like n chapter 1, but she was no more than fit in her past life. But obesity is obesity. It makes sense, plot... LaNansha

    I totally agree with the point that plot-wise it makes sense, but I disagree with utilising this as a plot point. Being 'fat' doesn't equal being unhealthy, but the author has chosen to present it this way and I'd argue that's a fatphobic narrative.

    As I said in my initial comment, this story isn't for me and I'm okay with that. I just would've liked some warning as the constant fatshaming was both draining and upsetting.

    OpiSin July 19, 2024 3:30 am
    The main reason she strived to lose weight was so the body doesnt die at 45 as it did when the original soul was still there. And as one commenter pointed out, the new soul is used to being active and fit, so i... Aira1.6

    As I replied to the other commenter, I totally get that the fatshaming is central to the plot. However, I disagree with the author using it in this way. I feel the author is pushing a narrative that fat=unhealthy, which is fatphobic.

    Also, the fatshaming isn't just a subtheme, it's *core* to the central storyline and for me (and I'm sure others) intense.

    And while the FL may have acknowledged the original soul, the world and general society created by the author is one that heavily prioritises thinness and views being 'fat' as being without worth.

    Nizze July 19, 2024 3:31 am

    As someone overweight I disagree with you. There are yes cases of fat-shaming both in media and reality and endorsing of unhealthily slim bodies. But this one is not the case. And honestly the term fat-shaming was brought to an ridiculous extreme where it's used as an excuse for morbid obesity. You wouldn't use slim-shaming to excuse anorexy and bulimia so please don't do the contrary. There's a difference in being overweight compared to current standards and having a weigh problem. If you'd read you'd seen og ate as a coping mechanism something mc doesn't need to do.
    And honestly. No woman would ever like being fat be it for health or vanity. And again. Im talking about obesity and not normal overweight.

    LaNansha July 19, 2024 9:28 am
    As someone overweight I disagree with you. There are yes cases of fat-shaming both in media and reality and endorsing of unhealthily slim bodies. But this one is not the case. And honestly the term fat-shaming ... Nizze

    Lol glad to see I’m not the only one seeing it that way. Given that I’m also overweight, I could only admire the FL’s ability to work hard in order to lose it because I know how hard that is. Takes strength, dedication and consistency. So the entire thing didn’t have a negative impact on me at all.

    Aira1.6 July 19, 2024 10:37 am
    As I replied to the other commenter, I totally get that the fatshaming is central to the plot. However, I disagree with the author using it in this way. I feel the author is pushing a narrative that fat=unhealt... OpiSin

    As ive mentioned it is necessary for the plot because AGAIN it was established that the OG soul died at 45 due to complications from obesity. It was nowhere in the story that the new soul just wanted to lose weight because she saw the body as ugly. Unhealthy, yes. So she wanted to change their fate. Thus dieting, losing weight, and exercising. It's now fat shaming. It's just living witha quality life. And yes fatdoes not equate unhealthy but in this case thw OG soul is unhealthy that it lead to obesity and premature mortality. 45 is not a good age to die at.

    Nizze July 19, 2024 4:38 pm
    Lol glad to see I’m not the only one seeing it that way. Given that I’m also overweight, I could only admire the FL’s ability to work hard in order to lose it because I know how hard that is. Takes streng... LaNansha

    Yep! Not only that but the whole fact that the only real fat-shaming in the comic came from the people that were the Og's abusers. They just used is as an excuse for the abuse and if it wasn't the weight it would be something else. Everything that everyone in their circle know about mc comes from her abusers so of course they'd think badly of her.
    Honestly it bothers me when people say things like "they are making it seem like being fat equals unhealthy" because yes it does (in most of cases). Diabetes, blood pressure, lungs, heart and many other heath problems starts with being overweight. And that's why most of us strive to lose it even if it's not exagerated overweight.

    I'm not gonna go around lying that I'm 100% healthy and happy with my looks when I'm not. Fat-shaming to me is brands not going beyond XL and some even L. Same with overweight people in media being used solely for comic relief. Wishing to be slim, showing the dangers of being fat or showing how society sees being a fat woman negatively are not. Those are reality. Maybe I'd have agreed if mc was fat-phobic and wished to be slim out of pure vanity but she is not and the comic is very good.

    LaNansha July 19, 2024 4:56 pm
    Yep! Not only that but the whole fact that the only real fat-shaming in the comic came from the people that were the Og's abusers. They just used is as an excuse for the abuse and if it wasn't the weight it wou... Nizze

    Yep, you’re a 100% correct