Is it possible to filter manga list by genre

Bozgy July 18, 2024 8:35 pm

Specifically I'd like to go to Last updated section and remove genres from the list that I don't read, and have the rest appear as usual. Seen it in some other site and thought it was very handy. Anything of the sort here?

    Mia July 18, 2024 8:56 pm
    Saber July 18, 2024 9:05 pm

    Ok, so, if you click on a genre you want you will get to a page with a list of all genres above all the manga/manhwa of the one you clicked on. To filter out genres you don't want, you'll need to click on the box next to it twice (from the aforementioned list on top) first click will make it a "tick" the second click will make it an "X" then click on the pink "ok, go" button.
    That will get you your filtered list and you only need to click on the "update date" button below that list and above the mangas next to the "sort by" to get it sorted by latest update.
    I hope that was what you're looking for. ( ̄∇ ̄")