I don't like jaekyung but pls he isn't the worst and actually he is a lot of better that t...

YourMochi July 18, 2024 8:23 pm

I don't like jaekyung but pls he isn't the worst and actually he is a lot of better that those ml who actually rape the mc and then suddenly gets forgotten bla bla redemption arc and bullshits ....jaekyung was clear from the beginning he helped Dan with his dept and he knew what he wanted for exchange....ye ofc he is an asshole ,jerk or whatever but he is not a rapist like others ml who as I said previously get "better"

    YourMochi July 19, 2024 1:35 pm
    They (T800) seems to be pushing a false narrative. They only want to attack you too. Your Original post is spot on! They make it like Jaekyung is the worst but is nothing compared to others. jaekyung is a sexua... Persistent Quill

    Finally at least someone gets it thank you!

    YourMochi July 19, 2024 1:37 pm
    At this point yall just make yalls selves sound stupid. "jaekyung is a sexual assaulter not a rapist." like oml dont even try to argue with me anymore yall are so damn smooth brain'd, is like sayin to a judge i... T800

    Your delusional on another level God stole reading pls it's not for you ...you have 0 comprehensive skills

    YourMochi July 19, 2024 1:38 pm
    We need to stick to the actual content of the story, not make up details. It's unproductive to resort to ad hominem attacks, degradation, and then laugh as if it's a joke. That kind of behavior only serves to p... Persistent Quill

    You ate damnn!!

    YourMochi July 19, 2024 1:41 pm

    You haven't understand anything bro go check it pls :')

    YourMochi July 19, 2024 1:42 pm
    Sexual coercion is sexual assault not rape. There is no rape in Jinx. The rest of your argument is projection and strawman arguments. Your comments are irrelevant. You seem like you are trolling. Blocked. Persistent Quill

    I hope there are more people like you who don't delusion themselves and actually ready the story

    T800 July 19, 2024 6:35 pm
    You fking dumbass fr I only said he isn't a rapist but he is being jerk and trash .. go learn what rapist means and who gives a fk he isn't doing charity he could a well decline he offer you retard YourMochi

    He is a rapist idk why tf you keep tryna deny it iss like horsekyung must have a chocolate flavored dick or smthin for yall to be kissing his balls so much
    You fr jus projecting caus the only delusional one here is u, learn about power dynamics, i think in even one chapt dude was saying shit along the lines of "your mine i can do whatever i want with you" LIKE ARE YOU TELLIN ME THAT ISNT SEXUAL COERCION??? I couldn't even imagine if yall ever became judges, well that is if yalls stupid asses could even hypothetically get into law school, our world done gon have an eve worse sexual offender problem

    Kolnyxx July 19, 2024 10:58 pm
    Sexual coercion is sexual assault not rape. There is no rape in Jinx. The rest of your argument is projection and strawman arguments. Your comments are irrelevant. You seem like you are trolling. Blocked. Persistent Quill

    Why is sexual assault so different in your mind from rape. Even from a professional standpoint jaekyung as an employer has such a financial power over dan and has already threatened him with firing him, that we can consider the ability for Kim dan to consent nonexistent.

    The first time they had sex Kim Dan wanted to stop in the middle and jaekyung refused even with Dan crying. You can withdraw consent whenever you feel like and jaekyung did not respect that. If that is not legal rape to you then what is?

    The scene with the headphones is also pretty disturbing because there is for one more time no consent to be found. He presented Kim Dan in a very intimate moment and announced him as his toy to the actor(I think his names heesung?) and then lied to his face and said no one was there.

    Let’s also not forget that he pays Dan for sex (paying someone for sex in my country, at least, is illegal) and constantly objectifies him (if you remember the scene right before his match where he just bent him over and did his business???).

    Now I understand that the person who answered you was quite rude in their replies but please don’t be obtuse.
    Rape is rape
    Let’s not minimize what Kim Dan went through in the sake of “romance” and be realistic for the sake of all the real victims of abuse. Because Kim Dan was a victim of all kinds of abuse from jaekyung as I previously mentioned some examples ( rape being one of the forms of the abuse).

    Do not get me wrong. I am very interested to see how the story will progress because the author has done an amazing job portraying the characters emotions. And I am actually hoping for a colossal redemption arc to be honest.

    Kolnyxx July 19, 2024 10:58 pm
    Why is sexual assault so different in your mind from rape. Even from a professional standpoint jaekyung as an employer has such a financial power over dan and has already threatened him with firing him, that we... Kolnyxx

    Also sorry for any grammatical mistakes English is not my first language

    Persistent Quill July 20, 2024 12:37 am
    He is a rapist idk why tf you keep tryna deny it iss like horsekyung must have a chocolate flavored dick or smthin for yall to be kissing his balls so much You fr jus projecting caus the only delusional one her... T800

    It's important to stick to the facts and maintain a respectful dialogue. Vulgarity and insults don't contribute to a productive discussion.
    From a legal perspective, sexual coercion is typically classified as sexual assault, not rape. This distinction is important because it helps us understand the specific nature of the wrongdoing and address it appropriately.
    Regarding power dynamics, I agree that Jaekyung's behavior involves coercion and a power imbalance (if viewed that way), which makes his actions morally wrong and legally classifiable as sexual assault.
    However, labeling these actions as rape misrepresents the legal definitions and the story's context.
    I believe we can discuss the problematic aspects of Jaekyung's behavior without resorting to insults or misrepresentations.
    Understanding these distinctions helps in having a clear and honest conversation about the issues at hand.
    If you have specific examples from the story that support your view, let's discuss them respectfully and factually.

    Persistent Quill July 20, 2024 12:41 am
    Finally at least someone gets it thank you! YourMochi

    You are not alone. There are many people who as the same opinion. They have been silenced here by a hate group. If you look at other platforms you will see you are not alone and part of the majority.
    Most of ones saying it is rape are haters. There are some genuine readers that will say that but it is depends on if they keep their first impression or how they understand rape. Someone has said an attempted rape is rape but that doesn’t make sense.
    Don’t feel alone or wrong. They are in the wrong with silencing others.

    No problem.

    Persistent Quill July 20, 2024 12:42 am
    You ate damnn!! YourMochi


    Persistent Quill July 20, 2024 1:08 am
    Why is sexual assault so different in your mind from rape. Even from a professional standpoint jaekyung as an employer has such a financial power over dan and has already threatened him with firing him, that we... Kolnyxx

    Thank you for your detailed response and for letting me know that English is not your first language. I appreciate your effort to engage in this discussion. I did feel some of the things you said came off as strawman arguments, but I understand that you might have misunderstood.
    Firstly, I want to clarify that I do not minimize any abuse Kim Dan has endured. Jaekyung's actions are deeply problematic and morally reprehensible. My focus on differentiating between sexual assault and rape is based on legal definitions, not an attempt to downplay the severity of the abuse.
    Please be accurate and use details from Jinx. The actual story and details from Jinx do not constitute rape but rather sexual assault. In many jurisdictions, sexual coercion, which involves manipulating or pressuring someone into sexual acts, is classified as sexual assault. Rape, legally speaking, often requires the absence of consent and involves force or threats of force. Both are severe crimes, but they are distinct in legal terms.

    Regarding the specific incidents you mentioned:
    1. First Sexual Encounter: While Kim Dan expressed his desire to stop at various points, he also consented and then withdrew consent multiple times, creating a complex and confusing situation.
    Jaekyung did stop when Kim Dan was crying, which complicates the narrative further. This dynamic, while deeply problematic, needs to be understood in its full context to avoid misrepresentation.
    Jaekyung stopped twice when Dan asked.
    2. Headphone Scene: In this scene, Jaekyung covered Dan's eyes, ears, and mouth, and allowed another person to see them without Dan's knowledge. This act was a severe violation of Dan's privacy and autonomy. However, it does not fit the legal definition of rape. It's another example of Jaekyung's abusive behavior and disregard for Dan's consent.
    3. Financial Power and Objectification:
    While Jaekyung's control over Kim Dan's employment and financial situation complicates the matter of consent, it's also important to recognize that Dan negotiated and agreed to the terms, even asking for more money. There are hints in the story that Dan has more power and influence over Jaekyung than it initially appears. Jaekyung, despite his aggressive and abusive behavior, often shows jealousy and insecurity regarding Dan. For instance, Jaekyung's response to Dan's question, "Am I allowed to say no?" was "No," but it's evident from the context that Dan can indeed say no and has agency in their interactions.
    Jaekyung's behavior often stems from his own emotional immaturity and insecurity. He hides his true feelings and acts out inappropriately, such as when he gets angry upon learning that Dan was going through trouble to get him a birthday present. This complexity adds layers to their relationship and should be considered when discussing the dynamics of consent and abuse.
    It's important to recognize these distinctions not to minimize the abuse but to ensure clarity in our discussions. Legally and morally, Jaekyung's behavior is abusive and constitutes sexual assault. Whether it qualifies as rape depends on personal beliefs but it does not meet the legal definition of rape. However, the abuse is undeniable.
    I hope this clarifies my stance. I agree that the story portrays complex emotions and dynamics, and I, too, am interested in seeing how it progresses. Understanding these nuances helps us advocate for real victims of abuse and ensure their experiences are recognized and validated.
    This is a fantasy story, and while it contains disturbing and problematic elements, it's important to distinguish between the fictional context and real-life situations. In real life, any form of abuse, coercion, or lack of consent is absolutely unacceptable and should be addressed with the utmost seriousness.
    The themes explored in "Jinx" are meant to evoke strong emotions and provoke thought, but they remain within the realm of fiction.
    When discussing these themes, it's vital to maintain this distinction to avoid blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. This distinction helps in understanding and analyzing the story without minimizing the gravity of similar real-life situations.
    Thank you for engaging in this discussion. I hope you have a better understanding now.

    Safety Sentinel July 20, 2024 2:11 am

    sexual coercion:


    "Sexual coercion is when a person pressures, tricks, threatens, or manipulates someone into sex. It is a type of sexual assault because even if someone says yes, they are not giving their consent freely."

    Sexual coercion is generally considered a form of sexual assault rather than rape. The distinction often lies in the specifics of how consent is compromised. Here’s a brief overview:

    1.Sexual Coercion: Involves pressuring, manipulating, or intimidating someone into sexual activity against their will. It does not necessarily involve physical force or threats of physical harm but rather uses psychological or emotional manipulation. This is broadly categorized as sexual assault.

    2.Rape: Typically defined as non-consensual sexual intercourse that involves the use of physical force, threats of force, or when the victim is incapacitated and unable to consent. Rape is a specific, more severe form of sexual assault.

    The exact definitions can vary based on jurisdiction, but generally, sexual coercion is seen as a broader category of behavior that falls under the umbrella of sexual assault. Not all instances of sexual coercion meet the legal criteria for rape, but all are serious violations of consent and personal autonomy.

    Kolnyxx July 20, 2024 5:29 am
    Thank you for your detailed response and for letting me know that English is not your first language. I appreciate your effort to engage in this discussion. I did feel some of the things you said came off as st... Persistent Quill

    In their first sexual encounter I had the impression he had said no but jaekyung continued anyway. That was on chapter 8 I’m sorry for the confusion.
    I agree on most points you made but I now understand some things are based on our personal views. Yes, Kim Dan is not completely powerless in my opinion too.

    In this:
    “For instance, Jaekyung's response to Dan's question, "Am I allowed to say no?" was "No," but it's evident from the context that Dan can indeed say no and has agency in their interactions.”

    For me at least it was not evident at all. It seemed coercive. There are many instances where it seems he influences jaekyung as you’ve also said already, this does not seem one of them.

    I did some more research and I did mention instances of sexual coercion not rape, my mistake for that. There seem to be many different definitions on sexual assault but it’s generally viewed as the umbrella term in many of them(example: https://www.met.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/rsa/rape-and-sexual-assault/what-is-rape-and-sexual-assault/).

    In my mother language (Greek) sexual assault directly translates to sexual abuse (σεξουαλική κακοποίηση) and that’s why we generally view it as either coercive or physically forceful, as is rape. Legally this is also true (in my country) and although it depends on the level and situation, sexual assault encompasses in its term rape.

    Either way I think whether jaekyung would be criminally charged (with sexual coercion and/or rape) it depends on the country and the judge.
    I think we generally agree with each other (at least I mostly do with you) but the differences lie in our view on the matter. I think I have a pretty consistent understanding on the subject but I hope that clears my inaccuracies and my opinion on the matter.

    tongtong July 22, 2024 7:42 pm

    Dan actually raped horsey, horsey can't consent to sex cuz he's drunk. I just want to add this cuz it seems like no one's talking about this scene

    YourMochi July 22, 2024 7:50 pm
    "he is a lot better than those ml who actually rape the mc" mf he ACTUALLY raped him dyshzzi

    He didn't lmao are you delusional or you haven't read it ? They agreed to be set buddies and Dan agreed cause he wanted the money lol