Am I the only one who isn't satisfied with the ending? There should be more of it at the e...

An Xia July 18, 2024 7:52 pm

Am I the only one who isn't satisfied with the ending? There should be more of it at the end bcc fr got assulted and those girls? What ab the ex president and the weird friend? And our president girl? She deserves the best. Just like the ugly guy. Not to mention the fat guy story? My man should just clarify everything

    Mr.Ken July 21, 2024 4:31 am

    Just finished rereading. You literally read my mind. This comment covered every base, the ending felt rushed, wth do they mean only happy days ahead of them?? Just swept like 75% of all the deep seated issues under the rug like nothing. You’re right, and I wish there would have been sincere conversations about their relationships and traumas. Still remember when I thought this was peak fiction though.

    An Xia July 21, 2024 1:41 pm

    No actually it was a unique and nice read so I do get why u loved it and thought it was peak. Not to mention we grow and understand and see things more differently. I also like yhe story but how u mentioned it was swept most of the big causes under the rug