You think people are quoting song lyrics in a super serious way? Lmao. Realistically, everyone knows there's a 0.01% chance that this webtoon will suddenly become a GL despite having no marketing for it. That's why it's a joke. It's obvious that it won't happen, but the way the flashback was set up DID remind a lot of people of childhood-friends-to-lovers tropes, and that's funny!
Even if a few people are holding out genuine hope for it, that's the way they choose to have fun, so let them be. Cringe this, cringe that. The most embarrassing people of all are those that can't let go and be a little silly sometimes. And even worse, those that shame others for being able to do it.

Idk why the comment got cut… Anyways, even if they know it’s a shoujo webtoon, they don’t care and will continue shouting for the story to become GL despite the ogfl being pretty much an extra that appeared again just for this arc. It gets worse when they shout queer baiting and suggest it’s a serious problem.
Like Aicchi said, humor is subjective and isn’t about not being “silly” sometimes. I didn’t find it funny instead found it abhorrent. Wishing for the mc to have lesbian relationship with her friend is much more embarrassing than those that “can’t let go.” It is cringey. Don’t act like you never cringed at someone’s behavior when having “fun.”

Of course I've cringed. Then I caught myself and realized "I have so many interests other people find cringe, and I don't like it when I'm shamed for those, so why do I do it to others? why am I making the world more hostile and unpleasant? why do I want people to be unhappy?" I try to not do it anymore. It's not like it never happens, but I never feel justified in it - it's just unfortunate that human beings are so inherently cruel that they derive pleasure from the suffering of real people over their harmless little hobbies.
Plus, you're in the comments of a mangago upload of a shoujo webtoon yourself. Do you think you're not universally considered cringe? Do you think cringing at others makes you better? You can't even articulate what's so "abhorrent" about rooting for a fictional character to be *bisexual, all you do is doompost over fucking nothing. Nobody's suggested there's a serious problem with queerbaiting in this webtoon, you're just overly threatened at the slightest mention of sapphic women. FICTIONAL ones, mind you. You're mocking real people over how they play with fictional characters.
Humour IS subjective, so accept that there was a joke and you just didn't get it. Or if you're unwilling to grow up, then please be loud about all the things you cringe at, so the only company you attract is as unpleasant as your worldview.

Wow we have such a good person here yet a self-claimed hypocrite. People cringe because something made them uncomfortable/disgusted, no need to feel justified about it. Also, you realized not everyone knowingly or even referenced the song, right?
Am I cringe in a piracy website? Maybe but implying I derive pleasure from the suffering of real people? You’re reaching, I merely voiced an opinion. I don’t find fun in even having this dialogue thus this will be my last reply.
But before I go, I’ll try to be clear what I found abhorrent about people rooting for a definite straight fictional woman to have a relationship with another. First of all, being “threatened” with sapphic women is not true. To me, it is mentally unhealthy for people to encourage delusions. i find it similar to when someone forces themselves on a another just because they’re lonely etc.
I only mentioned accusations of queer baiting as the next step for these wishful thinking. Why? Because I’ve seen it plenty of times in shoujo/shounen manga/webtoon comment sections for nothing but close friendship, believe it or not. It is simply not a healthy way to engage with literature or anything. If telling people those people are cringe is mocking them so be it.
Humor IS subjective, so accept it if not everyone found it funny and instead found it offensive/disgusting. Or if you’re not willing to grow up from unhealthy habits/jokes, then please be prepared to be criticized by public.

2/10 girl yeah, stop debating, you're no good at it.
For one, I never called myself a good person. I don't even think those exist - anyone can slip into cruelty, it's each person's own responsibility to fight against that through self-awareness. You pay no attention to your mind, so your reasoning ability is also that of a child's.
Even when you thought you explained why you found it abhorrent, all that came out was more statements with zero basis. WHY do you believe this is unhealthy? Do you have a real reason for those beliefs? Probably not, considering the psychiatric research doesn't actually support you. Doubt you've ever cracked open a book on the topic, you just assume your comfort is the baseline for right and wrong. Fix your narcissism before you complain about the delusions of other people.
Had you also actually done any research, you'd know that just going "yall are cringe" in the comments isn't fixing anything. Nobody's going "oh my god, I see the light, I'm going to live a life random commenter #8437256 approves of from now on". And you say that to cringe, to you, means to be disgusted or offended. So people who need mental help disgust and offend you? And you're clearly not trying to help them, you're "just voicing an opinion" - so then what is your comment for, if not to take pleasure from looking down on people you view as lesser than you? Are you opening your mouth just to waste air? Again, you don't think your actions through.
You also make comparisons that make no sense. In no world is a fictional story with paper dolls equivalent to SEXUAL ASSAULT. Take 5 seconds to think before you type, for the love of god. No, wait, that wouldn't help if you're incapable of self-reflection.
The cherry on top is your failed flipping of my final paragraph. Again demonstrating that you're unable to think things through. I can accept that you didn't enjoy the humour, but this conversation was not about whether you found it funny, it was about the fact that you refused to accept those comments were joking AT ALL. So here you forget your own point just to try (and fail) to get a gotcha that sounds good to you. And again, "unhealthy habits" is factually incorrect, research shows that transformative play with fictional characters is healthy, and that's all you've currently seen evidence of happening here (ignoring the stuff you've imagined MIGHT happen because it's happened SOMEWHERE before). Finally, I'm not the one crying about being criticized - I was never the target of your complaints. You made a comment targetinbg a very broad group of people that I wasn't a part of, and *I* made the criticism of your evident unthinking *behaviour*. You're also hardly considered "the public". Which again kind of suggests you think yourself way more important than you are.
All-in-all, an interesting talk. I want to believe you can overcome these weaknesses of yours one day, before they end up getting you hurt. I know you'll never accept this message from me since I've probably attacked the whole of your self-esteem too aggressively, but I truly hope you don't have to go through any actual suffering just to get perspective.

Actually now I feel like I was too harsh on you. I may vehemently disagree with you, and I do think your arguments aren't very thought-through, but I didn't have to go so hard on you for it. I apologize for that. You're not stupid and I hope I didn't make you feel as if you are. I just think you have growing left to do - but getting insulted most likely won't help, if anything it'll just push you further away from the point I initially tried to make. Sorry I got so harsh. I don't like you, but I hope everything will be well for you regardless.

Alright, you seem like a good person so I’ll share my experience. The reason for “To me, it is mentally unhealthy for people to encourage delusions [of hoping to change other’s sexuality].” and related it to sexual assault is that I was afraid that those delusions would turn to reality like with my ex-friend who tried to take advantage of me and tried to turn me to a straight man just a few years ago. She was disgusting and often talked like the comments (playing things as a joke) that’s why I truly don’t find the joke humorous but instead disgusting. I DID acknowledge that it can be a joke (“I didn’t find it [the joke] funny instead found it abhorrent.”) but it can be distasteful to some people, which I tried to communicate in my previous comments and the last paragraph.
You are right, I never cracked a book on this matter and only based it on my past experiences. So, I’ll trust you for your research about transformative play with fictional characters (ie. changing their sexuality) being healthy but I can’t help but be skeptical about how healthy can it be. Where can the line be drawn? I guess I can’t help imagining the worst scenario…
To clarify, I said “People cringe because something made them uncomfortable/disgusted, no need to feel justified about it.” to imply that it can be an automatic response and that cringe, in my opinion, can be caused by uncomfortableness to disgust. I never said the commenters need mental help. I just said that what they’re saying/encouraging is cringe whether it’s a joke or not, because I was triggered. I was never trying to help in that sense.
I’m not sure what you mean by me being hardly considered public. I never claimed to be THE public but I believe I am a part of it since this website is open to the public, if I understood the word properly.
Lastly, I appreciate your well wishes. I know I still have growing up to do while trying to forget. I hope you can understand what I’m trying to communicate.

I understand your viewpoint more now. I'm so sorry you went through those things, and I hope life is kinder to you going forward. Your ex-friend sounds awful and I'm glad it seems like you've at least gained distance from her.
I think the line is drawn where the damage to real people starts. Having fun with fictional characters is good, it can be cathartic - the problem is when people use that as justification to attack the creators, who are real people. This isn't limited to just shipping though, there are also fans who attack characters for "making" characters suffer in canon. There are also lots of shippers who may discuss their preferences lightheartedly, but would never go so far as to harass the author about it. So that's why I'd rather not direct scorn at fans before they've actually crossed a line. Your ex-friend's treatment of you was also firmly over that line, and at that point claiming it's a joke doesn't justify anything.
But I understand where you're coming from. I'm sorry you had to experience being triggered like this. I hope it gets easier for you. And thank you for being understanding of my flaws and still being open to exchanging viewpoints with me. I don't think I'm a good person, I just try not to be someone I wouldn't like. I'll keep this experience in mind and try not to jump to conclusions so quickly in the future.
(And the confusion from the word "public" came because you used "by" instead of "in". If you mean simply in view of the public, not initiated by the public, then "in" would be correct. Just minor miscommunication.)
All these people wishing the two women to be gay/lesbian are just cringe. Y’all need to stop reading if that’s what you saw with their friendship.