It's been a long long time since I've read the spoilers but iirc, before all things and shit, do you guys remember the chalice that is in the care of the ML's fam (I forgot their surname (・ω・) )?
That chalice is rumored to fulfill one wish from the bloods of the royals and was kept safe by ML's family in fear of a former King that his descendants will use this for evil. Since that former King is friends with ML's ancestor, he asked him to keep it safe.
Fast forward into when Ruedy (ML, I also forgot his name) sacrificed his life for Luca to live, Luca was then raised as the heir to the fam, then he learned some secrets abt his birth (I'll leave it down below so u won't be spoiled if you don't want to), then because he's a royal blood (yk, coz his father's mother is a member of the royal family plus, unknowingly, his maternal granma is from the royal family, too) he's able to use the chalice and he wished to turn back time something like that (I forgot what he wished into) but I remember the wish is kinda related to Judith. The spoiler didn't delve much deeper ad to why she remember it.
That's why he's too mature, and when Ruedy want him with him, he doesn't wanna... Coz yk, he thinks Ruedy will just hurt him (emotionally neglect him) like before...
Luca's father and Ruedi aren't siblings. They're paternally half-brothers, right? Well, sike. Luca's father isn't part of the Wintersomething fam. Hence why Luca is not legible to be the head. The thing was, ML's father knew that.
Ohhmygoddd the plot twist there’s no way she went back and completed her OG life then reincarnated again as a baby?? I’ve so many questions and am not sure how to feel about this development. Ig it’s one way to keep the reader’s interest during the usually borish phase of the story. This is surprising and I’m taken aback