This chapter is sooo interesting and the continued use of symbolism is just so good. Again...

Heairt July 18, 2024 2:52 pm

This chapter is sooo interesting and the continued use of symbolism is just so good. Again with the alcohol and Brett association, the liquor has gotten even harder now. Stronger liquor = stronger feelings? Or maybe it’s how intense their relationship is getting, especially after that rut. Also the whole bet with the hiccups feels like a callback to the said rut the way it really didn’t go Brett’s way, but in the end he still won. (Lowkey can also be some sort of dramatic irony considering the raws…

    Heairt July 18, 2024 2:57 pm

    (Boy wtf they deleted the rest of my comment) I also want to think the hiccups have some sort of other meaning but I can’t put my finger on it.

    Brett is this chapter really shows simply how calculating he is, like I honestly just love that he’s using all this intelligence to keep Hayden with him LOL. Also him saying he has standards and that’s why he choose Hayden, gmfu bc yeah even if the way both Hayden and Nathan kind of hide their “true desires”, Hayden still practices a sort of “nice guy” act and some sort of loyalty to the ppl he’s close with, while Nathan kind of just tries to compensate that feeling by abusing others. Hayden give yourself some more credit your nice guy act still means you act nice to others lol

    Also also, how hayden mentioned this whole meetup even did happen bc he choose to, shows how it’s not just Brett’s manipulation that let their relationship continue, but Hayden’s conscious choice. I kinda take back with what I said with Brett having the reigns of the relationship bc it’s honestly Hayden who rlly gets to say he wants to go back. This part also feels like a callback to like chapter 7 or smtn when their setting up their relationship.

    But honestly, Brett saying he is the happiest with Hayden melted my heart so Hayden PLEASE SEE THIS MAN THROUGHHHH. Even though Hayden lacks the initiative to commit to the relationship (ie the ignored text messages), Brett still tries to connect with him. Making shit as optimal as possible so he can get Hayden to stay

    Lastly, the bond but I think that’s going to be more interesting/explain next chapter so I’ll leave the analyzing to future me lololol. This comments long enough LOL

    Bonbonsue July 18, 2024 3:32 pm

    I think the hiccups also symbolize the awakening/development of Hayden's feelings for Brett, as well as the alcohol? It sounds cheesy, but both times Hayden hiccuped when he noticed a change in his feelings for Brett, like at the charity party or when he noticed an abnormality with his pheromone sensing, and the times he drank alcohol but didn't hiccup were when he used alcohol to deny reality

    regis July 18, 2024 4:09 pm

    I think Hayden sobbed because he was really scared, because Brett talked about Scott releasing pheromones (that is, Brett was smelling Scott) and Hayden wasn't smelling it. Which shows that he's having trouble identifying omega pheromones. This is reinforced when he asks about the brand at the end. In other words: it doesn't feel omega pheromones because it is marked in some way.

    Heairt July 18, 2024 10:47 pm
    I think the hiccups also symbolize the awakening/development of Hayden's feelings for Brett, as well as the alcohol? It sounds cheesy, but both times Hayden hiccuped when he noticed a change in his feelings for... Bonbonsue

    OHHH TRUEEE that’s a great connection there, I love the symbolism in this manhwa it’s great