I can give a very brief one. MC regresses in time and decides to stop all of the tragic events from happening around him and protect ML and his happiness with FL. He basically risks his life to save others and unintentionally gets closer with ML even when he tries to get him to be with the FL. They eventually end up together, and we find out that ML in his past life actually always loved MC, it was just series of misunderstanding and the influence of ML's mother that caused the events in the past life. He turned back time after MC died, he was understandably heartbroken. MC frequently insults his past self and actually genuinely hates himself, so his perspective is skewed. The things that he did were never actually really bad, he didn’t harm FL, he just was mean to her sometimes and lied to her to stress her out. MC makes it sound in the novel like he was a huge villain, when he was just a shy guy that got constantly used by others. As to why he likes ML so much, you need to understand MC first. He has a sad life, he got neglected and abused by his family, the abuse was especially extreme from his own brother who forced to guide him while he was beating him up since MC was a small child. The brother is an extreme sadist that has sexual desires towards MC. He is obsessed with him and later on stalks him, tries to abduct him and make him his slave. It explains why MC has no self respect and in his past life needed to get a sponsor to literally survive (I won't spoil who he is, but he’s young, handsome and they never had sex). I don’t remember clearly, but I think MC met ML when MC was still very young, ML at the time was kind to him. ML was also strong, so it’s possible it was actually admiration and idealisation, but later turned into obsession.

Sent, now I better not see any idiots mentioning the translator of the novel here. I don’t trust everybody to not spread it on social media, I know some of you can’t keep your mouth shut about Mangago. Keep in mind translators get into legal trouble because of it. This is not directed to you Sky, but to any person who will think it’s a good idea to reply to your comment and give the translator's site.
someone give me spoilers