mc kindness..? the guy was letting him be because he LIKED it, he was all "where is him? why isn't he doing anything yet? :(" when trying to ditch hideaki while being all jealous when hideaki supposedly got a bf aND trying to pass as a good guy, you must be reallyyy naive believing this mf is not just as problematic as the other. they are both problematic mfs they deserve each other really

Man i was agreeing with you for the first half of your post. I read this ages ago and I think I quite liked the story. After rereading it today, I, quite frankly, am disappointing with my younger self because this is anything but an enjoyable story. But telling someone to go die? I think you need to get your own feelings under control first, because you are acting as psycho as the characters in this manga, if some drawings can make you this butthurt. ( ̄へ ̄)
Kinda baffled that stupid 17-year old me used to think of this pile as a “cute story”
This thing is garbage, blonde guy is a fucking psycho, manipulator, poor gutless bastard that exploits and abuses the MC kindness, obviusly, all in the name of love, a picture of the absolute shit state of the yaoi industry a decade ago.
Fuck blonde guy, fuck 17-year old me and fuck you if you like this, go die in a ditch.