
My 2 cents:
- Yeonwoo ran awan from home WITH the shush money that his father had accepted from Seo In's family, and gave that money to Gangster Daddy to pay off part of his father's debt.
- Gangster Daddy was impressed and took him under his wing after he found out about the bullying he'd endured and how he'd had to stand up to his own father and snatch the money away because his father was going to gamble that money away too.
ok, so i think what happened was like this:
-seo in's younger bro is obseessed/like him and got jealous over his closenees to yeonwoo. and maybe he can see that seo in likes yeonwoo too.
-soo he got a bunch of a-hole to beat yeonwoo up.
-and since theyre a powerful fam, they paid yeonwoo's fam so that they shut up. and i think he's fathers gambler so he most prob took it. that maybe one of the reason yeonwoo run away from home
-andd all this happened when seo in went abroad, that what lil bro said
- and thats also why seo in's mom look scared they re together cause she knows seo in will hate her for what theyve done to yeonwoo
sooo excited for S2