Lol so hilarious to see a lot of reader are still bitter with the ending of the side story...

つきしま けい July 17, 2024 3:11 pm

Lol so hilarious to see a lot of reader are still bitter with the ending of the side story. FYI! There's a note before the panels that said "IT IS A PARALLEL UNIVERSE!" meaning to say another world! Their story is completely different to the main story!

Just like in Dr.Strange Multiverse, "dreams can be portals to other universes and glimpses of their alternate selves. This theory implies that people are not just experiencing different scenarios, but are actively engaging with other versions of reality." That's why Jihyun cried because for him, the dream felt so real. And maybe it's a good sign for him to do what is right in HIS OWN UNIVERSE! And he deserves it!

    つきしま けい July 17, 2024 3:15 pm

    The other Jihyun from other world or the main story is already suffering (which he deserved), while the other Jihyun from the parallel universe is innocent, he doesn't deserve the hate.

    sosa July 18, 2024 10:02 am

    nb gaf about that ppl hating bcz author legitimately added it bcz bitches were harassing her about it literally weird fucks

    NK22 August 8, 2024 8:30 am
    The other Jihyun from other world or the main story is already suffering (which he deserved), while the other Jihyun from the parallel universe is innocent, he doesn't deserve the hate. つきしま けい

    Ong, exactly this!!!

    AsexualFujoshi August 10, 2024 5:47 am

    It’s really amusing how people are so pissed at this Jihyun x Chiwoo spin off lol Like there was already a warning right at the very beginning saying this was a parallel universe and the author’s note which practically says that they don’t think it was right for Chiwoo to just forgive Jihyun. It’s like these people who are complaining about this PARALLEL UNIVERSE, don’t have a clue about what a parallel universe is.

    sosa August 13, 2024 10:01 am

    omg yall piss me off ppl r hating bcz it was NOT needed it didn’t affect the plot nor whatsoever but it got yall raged up and crawling up jihyuns asshole and dickriding him give it a rest

    つきしま けい August 13, 2024 5:53 pm
    omg yall piss me off ppl r hating bcz it was NOT needed it didn’t affect the plot nor whatsoever but it got yall raged up and crawling up jihyuns asshole and dickriding him give it a rest sosa

    Lol! People only said that it was not necessary BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT THEY HATE JIHYUN AND IT IS FXCKING STATED IN THEIR COMMENTS. Even when the first release of parallel part, there's already a lot of readers hating that part because they think Jihyun doesn't deserve that happiness. After some years, I came back here and they still keep nagging about Jihyun's parallel part. Just get out of here you self centered piece of shit!

    sosa August 13, 2024 7:24 pm
    Lol! People only said that it was not necessary BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT THEY HATE JIHYUN AND IT IS FXCKING STATED IN THEIR COMMENTS. Even when the first release of parallel part, there's already a lot of reade... つきしま けい

    yes bcz they are right to do so? Whats the point of adding another universe type shit just to give the bad guy a happy ending and yall bitches needa under the author only added it bcz apparently bitches like u wanted to see the two of em 2gt being all happy now hop off his dick bruh

    つきしま けい August 13, 2024 8:36 pm
    yes bcz they are right to do so? Whats the point of adding another universe type shit just to give the bad guy a happy ending and yall bitches needa under the author only added it bcz apparently bitches like u ... sosa

    The fuck you're saying??? LOL it's another "POV" or "What if" scenario which is a fucking good point for every love triangle story to see other ending if the male lead happen to choose the other man. Can't you use your brain??? If you hate it that much then don't fucking read it! Just stick to the main story, it's your stupid fault for finishing these side stories when no one even force you to do so. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    sosa August 14, 2024 12:02 am
    The fuck you're saying??? LOL it's another "POV" or "What if" scenario which is a fucking good point for every love triangle story to see other ending if the male lead happen to choose the other man. Can't you ... つきしま けい

    omg this is actually wild and u can ALWAYS tell u ppl have no life and be sitting on ts damn site 24/7
    So u gon ignore my whole comment ab author literally being forced to draw that bcz ur bitch ass thought that in love triangles u should see em end up with both of the male leads. and also i didn’t read it there was no use it was js porn connect w the world bae its looking real good

    AsexualFujoshi August 15, 2024 11:46 am
    omg this is actually wild and u can ALWAYS tell u ppl have no life and be sitting on ts damn site 24/7 So u gon ignore my whole comment ab author literally being forced to draw that bcz ur bitch ass thought tha... sosa

    looks like you’re the one who has no life since you keep replying to op’s chat. Why don’t you touch some grass and forget about this fcking side story which is setup in a PARALLEL UNIVERSE, which has nothing to do with the main story line? And mind citing the source where it says that the author was forced to write it? Like a post wherein the author explicitly states that they don’t want to do it and are forced to write it? Because if you do, I’m gonna shut up and not say a thing anymore, since I have a life outside of this site, other than idk, probably you?

    sosa August 15, 2024 8:50 pm
    looks like you’re the one who has no life since you keep replying to op’s chat. Why don’t you touch some grass and forget about this fcking side story which is setup in a PARALLEL UNIVERSE, which has noth... AsexualFujoshi

    uh oh guess hit a nerve there first of all yap yap yap second of all author said it on twitter go look for it bitch third of all telling me to get a life but u over here dick riding a gay ahh boy anyway weirdooooo

    つきしま けい August 15, 2024 10:00 pm
    omg this is actually wild and u can ALWAYS tell u ppl have no life and be sitting on ts damn site 24/7 So u gon ignore my whole comment ab author literally being forced to draw that bcz ur bitch ass thought tha... sosa

    Lol! I'm ignoring the "author forced thingy" cause I have been following her since 2019, and there's no post on her Twitter account nor insta regarding that "author forced thingy shit" so where did your source came from??????? Is it from "trust me bro"???? HAHAHAHAHA LOL YOU'RE SO HILARIOUS! YOU'RE JUST A PIECE OF SHIT WHO LIKE SHOVING EXPIRED DILDO IN YOUR RETARD HOLES

    sosa August 18, 2024 9:31 pm
    Lol! I'm ignoring the "author forced thingy" cause I have been following her since 2019, and there's no post on her Twitter account nor insta regarding that "author forced thingy shit" so where did your source ... つきしま けい

    first of all calm down getting raged ab gay porn is crazy and yes she did post it on twitter maybe she took it down cuz shooking how u r reacting rn
    and i advice you pls go outside crazy u waiting for my replies like a bitch bruh aint no way also i can tell by js how u r writing u r pushing 30 so go take of the family and shut it