this sucks

bakuhoe July 17, 2024 7:56 am

ik someone alr talked abt this but god this was a waste of my time tbh, no drama, no decent plot that actually made sense, art only got good towards the end only reason i kept going was bc i was in too deep and it just felt like a hassle trying to finish this. main character isn't even likeable HE LITERALLY RAN AWAY AFTER GIVING BIRTH AND CAME BACK JUST TO GET SHOWERED IN GIFTS AND MONEY and his 'bf' is just fine and worried for some reason? which is so fucking unbearable and then SOMEHOW he still gets a happy ending??? actual insane plot i don't know how this has 9.4 stars author paid for these bots

    Adam July 25, 2024 5:16 pm
    Until your retarded and useless parents starts acting like real parents, I’ll shut up. Damn, Filipino minors are growing like this. It ain’t something to be proud about. Jayjay

    The things you say are worse than the story by a mile. If you're right about them being a minor the one who should be embarrassed about arguing with them THIS hard is you. You're a grown-ass adult flinging around truly vile insults at someone you think is a child. This is how you chose to spend your time. The bullshit that happens in the story stays fictional, and here you are being racist and bigoted in real life.
    Anyway, this manhwa is not a masterpiece, it's kinda like the comic equivalent of fast food, but that doesn't make anything you said right

    soup noodles August 25, 2024 7:35 pm
    Until your retarded and useless parents starts acting like real parents, I’ll shut up. Damn, Filipino minors are growing like this. It ain’t something to be proud about. Jayjay

    Shows how your parents raised you. Fruit doesn’t fall too far away from the tree,you know. Also throwing racist comments and insults left and right whilst claiming to be “an adult” doesn’t make you one. You’re acting like a child yourself when by age you could be an “adult” but the way you act, begs to differ.

    soup noodles August 25, 2024 7:35 pm
    The things you say are worse than the story by a mile. If you're right about them being a minor the one who should be embarrassed about arguing with them THIS hard is you. You're a grown-ass adult flinging arou... Adam

    finallyyyyy someone who’s smart