Damn I'm all caught up T_T

Miracle_or_Curse July 17, 2024 4:59 am

I was actually looking forward to what Daniel was going to do with the Ethiopian student. I was bummed out that there were lots of sensitive readers when they try to portray colored ppl being the bully. I mean everyone was okay with the violence and sexism, but readers were so upset the author had to cut off a good story to appease sensitive readers. I felt bad having to read that apology notice. Like it's all the work of fiction. And if ppl read that far at this point why be triggered now? Anyways, just throwing my opinion out there...

Other than that tho, the whole plot have been very interesting! I'm hooked! I can't wait to read more. I want to see how the new recruits approach this

    lmaoo July 18, 2024 6:03 am

    I totally agree!!

    sajou July 23, 2024 7:54 pm

    it’s discontinued because of the racism, i doubt u will see what will happen wwww

    Issa-hoax July 27, 2024 1:04 pm

    The violence is high key the point of the whole story. The sexism was a bit much for me, but it’s not because there are a lot of “sensitive readers” it’s more so that they were portraying people of color to be the source of issues and negativity in Korea. Let’s be fr, the entirety of those few chapters were awful, having Ethiopians immigrate to a homogeneous country, where they are most likely to bully people of color and are generally racist to people who don’t share the same ethnic background, and then using a derogatory term to bully them back is crazy. I did enjoy the manhwa until that chapter and am glad that those chapters are gone, because it all roots in making people of color, especially black people, to be deemed evil.

    Issa-hoax July 27, 2024 1:05 pm

    The violence is high key the point of the whole story. The sexism was a bit much for me, but it’s not because there are a lot of “sensitive readers” it’s more so that they were portraying people of color to be the source of issues and negativity in Korea. Let’s be fr, the entirety of those few chapters were awful, having Ethiopians immigrate to a homogeneous country, where they are most likely to bully people of color and are generally racist to people who don’t share the same ethnic background, and then using a derogatory term to bully them back is crazy. I did enjoy the manhwa until that chapter and am glad that those chapters are gone, because it all roots in making people of color, especially black people, to be deemed evil. #-.-)

    Miracle_or_Curse July 27, 2024 1:26 pm
    The violence is high key the point of the whole story. The sexism was a bit much for me, but it’s not because there are a lot of “sensitive readers” it’s more so that they were portraying people of colo... Issa-hoax

    Finally a comment that has an opposite opinion that can convey themselves in a level headedmanner. So thank your for sharing your perspective! Though it may have portrayed the people of color in a derogatory manner, I'm still curious as to where thst story would have gone. Who knows maybe they would have shown some perspective with people of color that were actually good or were the bullies were victims themselves. Or perhaps showed how they became that way. Setting aside the topic of colored people, I genuinely would have like to see where the story would have gone if it hadn't discontinued. Also I would have liked to see the authors portrayal of the US and the New York life.

    Issa-hoax July 27, 2024 5:18 pm
    Finally a comment that has an opposite opinion that can convey themselves in a level headedmanner. So thank your for sharing your perspective! Though it may have portrayed the people of color in a derogatory ma... Miracle_or_Curse

    Thanks, I think it’s nice to have a conversation/ debate as adults without going straight to violence. I definitely get your point, and it could have turned out to become something more, especially when it comes to seeing how other countries portray there US. I honestly think that the author could have approached the situation differently.

    swashbuckler July 28, 2024 2:05 am

    People were okay with the sexism bc it has atleast 1 normal portrayal of a woman