Fuck the blondie man

laikhatakowowowowowow July 17, 2024 2:15 am

Mc literally had his whole fucking life torn apart and blondie took advantage of his vulnerability and preyed on that. Acting like a wholesome "I only want to help you" guy and I already don't like him when his last words to MC, SOMEONE WHO IS DESPERATE AND LITERALLY HAVE LIFE ON FREE FALL, was "would you love me if I was the only one who can love you after you got this life altering conditions " FUCK OFF. that's such an egotistical behaviour. All because of what? One time in hs he joined on a fucking gossip session? GROW THE FUCK UP. YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION. Man. And MC got his whole life ruined. And is now dating a manipulative ass hole

    Bonohono July 17, 2024 10:49 pm

    Mc didn’t even do it with bad intentions and didn’t even know the consequences at all
    Mc hopes and dreams are shit now and the relationship w his parents