so many loopholes ngl, only the wholesomeness is worth the read

Highly Inapp. July 16, 2024 11:17 pm

and i went through the trouble of finding this one again only to be met with that ending ( ̄∇ ̄") it's kind of a loophole if jaewoon returned to the book even though his deal with mujin was still in place even after death (considering the guy was hella bent on keeping him) so pulling a sudden character development on mujin WAS SO OUT OF PLACE HUHUHUHUHU it feels like they HAD to do it otherwise the entire plot literally repeats. Mujin kidnaps jaewoon, hyeonjin offers himself and vice versa.

I know dam well this was rushed but then i heard the novel had a different take so there's that too, but it's just funny with how fast mujin changed despite the 70 WHOLE CHAPTERS of him trying to destroy these two's relationship HAHAHAHAH and it takes like 1 yr of death for him to turn around like no sis, u need a whole season to fix that attitude.

    _.Mafuyu._ August 13, 2024 8:14 pm

    True! I feel like they really rushed Mujins character development #-.-)