Manga was a waste of time filled with double standards

Random user July 16, 2024 5:04 pm

Nah the last chapters/ending made me so mad
If I was Kazuma I would have divorced Aya, tf she means that's she's mad bc "oh no my husband lied to me and he kissed Sayaka" girl your husband got raped and blackmailed?? Why tf aren't you supporting him??? But no instead she almost divorced him, oh but also she just can't entirely hate Sayaka bc she's an old friend

    Random user July 16, 2024 5:12 pm

    Help why did 2/3 of my comment disappear too lazy to type it again

    Random user July 16, 2024 5:22 pm
    Help why did 2/3 of my comment disappear too lazy to type it again Random user

    Main points were that
    -Aya is trash for signing the petition to make Sayaka come out of prison faster even though she raped her husband, glossing over the fact that the younger dude kissed her and continuing to hang with him even though she almost divorced her husband bc he was fucking raped, blaming her husband for getting raped
    -Younger dude is trash for excusing cheating (him saying the metaphor with liking restaurants but still enjoying fast food once in a while and saying that just bc a man cheats doesn't mean he doesn't like his partner), kissing Aya without her consent, saying Kazuma's personality is trash even tho they're so alike lmfao
    -Kazuma's friend shouldn't get a "happy ending" with his family when he continuously cheated
    -Yuka and her friends are dumb asf for not taking legal action against Yuka's husband, just mildly threatening him, and then immediately making Yuka live alone with him again (really made a "how to create the perfect environment for Yuka to be even more abused than before" speedrun)
    -Sayaka's trash bc well of course she is, and the sad backstory/feelings change nothing about it, girl plenty of people are traumatized too but they don't rape people and backstab their friends
    -Aya's mom is trash for comparing the possibility of herself maybe forgiving Aya's dad cheating on her if they had "talked it out" (weird flex but ok, if your spouse cheats on you then ofc you need a divorce) with Kazuma getting raped, as if he needed to be "forgiven" for anything when poor dude was in hell

    In conclusion: Kazuma and Aya's friends deserve better. That's it.

    Random user July 16, 2024 5:24 pm
    Main points were that-Aya is trash for signing the petition to make Sayaka come out of prison faster even though she raped her husband, glossing over the fact that the younger dude kissed her and continuing to ... Random user

    I meant "Kazuma's friend" not "Kazuma" when talking about younger dude having a trash personality oop