Yes their is one way
But to do that we need to send an email to mang0g0 and give information about the new manhwa.
As in give information about this manhwa 'surge looking for you' but as a duplicate new manhwa say for example
'surge looking for you unofficial extra'
Where if somone were to make I can re-upload all the extras.
I wuld also love to email manGag0 but I still don't get it on how to do it..
sooo... If somone where to do it I would love to upload them for you guys✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

It's just funny, to be honest. I do buy official chapters myself yet still reads here coz not every title have official English translation, with the expectations of encountering low quality translation or worst yet, incomprehensible translation. But why should I complain? If I'm not the one making THE effort. That aside, thanks again Jasper!

I understand....
Tho I also buy officials not every manhwa is possible for me to buy since L@nzhiñ is expensive in my country....the currency difference....just buying one chapter I can use that money to buy like 4 5 good quality thrift clothes(lol) and as of now Im not the age of wrking yet.
They called me broke ass just for 1 unofficial chapter saying I stole the other uploads of mine too... like wtf? Did they not evn read my uploads or have never seen ßi/i ßili? N weßc0mics... I bought the chapter but got accused as a their.....
Hi, Jasper! I hope your day is going great! Thanks for uploading the new side stories, most of use appreciates it. It is sad to hear that you have to remove them because some people love being so "ungrateful" and never appreciate what was given to them when they themselves don't even put any effort to do what you can contribute and I respect your decision as it is also for Nanachi's sake. That aside, I'm here on the behalf of many others that would want to read the new side stories you uploaded once more or to some that have missed them. Is there any way we can access them once again, for example in a different platform, while the official translation is yet to be released?
Best regards.