I have a hard time reading this manga. More like taking this manga seriously. The graphics...

Nemaki July 16, 2024 11:36 am

I have a hard time reading this manga. More like taking this manga seriously.
The graphics are good, the story not too uninteresting... But!! Everything is so illogical to me!!
Why is a crown prince attending a normal school in the first place. How could he get past his gards when he joins the omega in the streets in the night. Why tf does he sleep in the same room, in the same bed as the omega. Why didn't he just leave some gards to protect the omega house. How can the mom have business at a time like this and leaving her son alone with an alpha. Why doesn't she say anything about the alpha sleeping in the same bed as her son. There's not even a reason for this... etc

Everything is so unrealistic it becomes annoying. There's no logic, it's like the author just does what she wants with her fantasy haha. I feel like the editor (if there is one) did a bad job supervising this manga.

Too bad for me! I'm droping this. ToT

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! July 19, 2024 11:25 pm

    In your words, " it's like the author just does what she wants with her fantasy..."
    Er...that's what authors are supposed to do. If you were an author, you'd do exactly the same. So, I don't see the problem here. However, if not your cup of tea, you can totally walk away - quietly.

    Isekai-ed into ur bed July 19, 2024 11:31 pm
    In your words, " it's like the author just does what she wants with her fantasy..." Er...that's what authors are supposed to do. If you were an author, you'd do exactly the same. So, I don't see the problem her... FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    We all agree in unison

    Nemaki July 20, 2024 9:19 am
    In your words, " it's like the author just does what she wants with her fantasy..." Er...that's what authors are supposed to do. If you were an author, you'd do exactly the same. So, I don't see the problem her... FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    I have the right to tell my comment, as long as it's constructive and not only hateful without any reason (which I am not). Whether you like it or not. Authors don't always do what they want no, that's the job of the editor to tell them what's not good in the story and what would be better. Sometimes there are quarrels between authors et editors, and they have to compromise.
    People have the right to say what they want as long as there is no disrespect. Stop being tyranic please. I'm sure you already wrote a comment about something displeasing you in a manga before? And even if you didn't, you would have the right as long as you did not insult the author. And nobody would have the right to tell you to shut up.

    R.K. July 20, 2024 3:20 pm

    Um, I believe this was originally from a novel, so the adaptation might not be as accurate due to spacing, time, and pages per chapter. Unfortunately, I have seen manhwa adaptations change up details of the story I've read. I feel like some manhwa ends up speeding up certain parts of the story as well due to novels needing to explain what's going on, so manhwa artists either have to fill in a gap or leave it as is.

    Honestly, I always say read or listen to the novel first before you read the manga/manhwa/manhua for the best experience. They leave out thoughts that can really change our perspective on a character.

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! July 20, 2024 3:52 pm
    Um, I believe this was originally from a novel, so the adaptation might not be as accurate due to spacing, time, and pages per chapter. Unfortunately, I have seen manhwa adaptations change up details of the sto... R.K.

    While I love your comment on novel adaptations, I don't agree it's necessary to read the novel first to enjoy the manhwa. Reason is because comics, films, dramas etc. are naturally a different perspective of a story as it is literally impossible to reproduce every nuance of a novel/book in these media. Sadly, a lot of novel readers consistently expect the exact details on all media and they come away disappointed when detailes are missed or changed.

    Personally, I think if one lacks the discipline to separate novels from versions on other media, then, one should stop reading novels because it is near impossible to feel satisfied due to forced adaptation changes, insufficient bandwidth to incorporate every single detail or even arbitrary decision by the editor/writer to make changes they feel is appropriate (like the Beta cheating in this story while the comments suggest no such thing happened in the novel)

    Nemaki July 20, 2024 8:57 pm
    Um, I believe this was originally from a novel, so the adaptation might not be as accurate due to spacing, time, and pages per chapter. Unfortunately, I have seen manhwa adaptations change up details of the sto... R.K.

    I didn't know this manga was originally a novel, thanks for this information. Sadly, my level in english, which is quite enough to read manga without struggle, isn't always enough to read novels without going on google translate every minutes. And reading becomes tough haha. That's why I'm kinda very ignorant about light novels, sadly.