Overall loved this manga! The ending felt rushed and somewhat unsatisfying though. Here a...

delSol March 2, 2017 10:58 pm

Overall loved this manga! The ending felt rushed and somewhat unsatisfying though.

Here are some of my opines about the end in random order.

I believe she ended up with mika. With all reasons stated at end of manga. They just went in super speed to show us outcome of the story.

Takamichi goes out hunting after snow and night turn to dogs and is going to let herself die except Yuki is alive and saves her, but stays in hiding!? At the very end after she had twins Yuki busts in and says I'm home knocking the group forward causing takamichi to fall forward with twins. That's when snow and white turn back to human forms to protect her and babies, since they always promised to watch her no matter what form. Hence why they are there at the end and in the pic.

I wish takamichi could have been with seijuro at the end, but since he was new head they couldn't be together, seijuro went traveling with crow girl. I don't understand why she's with Mika since they are both heads too. Since technically Yuki is still gone/dead.

How did snow and night become dogs. They are wolves after all. Cause they wished it since their love couldn't be fulfilled, or a punishment for acting out had seal put on them as was briefly mentioned I believe. (Can't quite remember )

I do wish we could have seen snow, night and michi's relationship become resolved in a different way, but I get it.
