ok so having ''stockholms syndrom'' doesnt always mean you fell for you kidnaper it can be when smn is in a Abusive Relationships. When this happen the victim can develop feelings of attachment or loyalty toward their abuser. Witch is the case here with the fl. They didnt mutually agreed, she felt forced bcs the ml threatened to kill her if she didnt agree (end of chap 3). after that when the ml was about to went bersek he told the fl to leave bcs he couldnt control himself anymore but she decided to stay bcs she felt like the need to stay with him and help him with his ''situation''. she could have escaped there. And lastly i was never rude to you when i gave you an answer if you cant do the same for me... dont respond back to that comment. repect go both way
the fl is sooooo stupid (she has Stockholm syndrom) bcs why tf didnt you run away when you had the chance. AND why do you always forgive the ml after he agress you just bcs he buy you sweet