the fl is sooooo stupid (she has Stockholm syndrom) bcs why tf didnt you run away when you...

shoushou July 16, 2024 3:29 am

the fl is sooooo stupid (she has Stockholm syndrom) bcs why tf didnt you run away when you had the chance. AND why do you always forgive the ml after he agress you just bcs he buy you sweet

    Rai August 30, 2024 5:00 pm

    where was the chance?? and if she did then what is the point of the manhwa..

    shoushou August 30, 2024 8:08 pm
    where was the chance?? and if she did then what is the point of the manhwa.. Rai

    she had the chance to leave when he was about to get crazy, but she decided to stay with him and (also theres more chap on other site) she was given PLENTY of chance to escape

    Rai August 30, 2024 8:39 pm
    she had the chance to leave when he was about to get crazy, but she decided to stay with him and (also theres more chap on other site) she was given PLENTY of chance to escape shoushou

    "stockholm syndrome" the fl was never kidnapped or taken hostage by the ml they mutually came into an agreement and he even agreed to her terms in bringing a friend with her. and if you want her to "escape" then dont even bother reading the manhwa.

    shoushou August 30, 2024 9:39 pm
    "stockholm syndrome" the fl was never kidnapped or taken hostage by the ml they mutually came into an agreement and he even agreed to her terms in bringing a friend with her. and if you want her to "escape" the... Rai

    ok so having ''stockholms syndrom'' doesnt always mean you fell for you kidnaper it can be when smn is in a Abusive Relationships. When this happen the victim can develop feelings of attachment or loyalty toward their abuser. Witch is the case here with the fl. They didnt mutually agreed, she felt forced bcs the ml threatened to kill her if she didnt agree (end of chap 3). after that when the ml was about to went bersek he told the fl to leave bcs he couldnt control himself anymore but she decided to stay bcs she felt like the need to stay with him and help him with his ''situation''. she could have escaped there. And lastly i was never rude to you when i gave you an answer if you cant do the same for me... dont respond back to that comment. repect go both way

    le_petit_francais August 30, 2024 10:59 pm
    ok so having ''stockholms syndrom'' doesnt always mean you fell for you kidnaper it can be when smn is in a Abusive Relationships. When this happen the victim can develop feelings of attachment or loyalty towar... shoushou

    i fear you ATE THEM UP... hahaha idk why they so pressed pfft- that actualy sad. imagine having nothing better to do then argue with smn when you wrong... and + they telling you to stop reading like WHO ARE YOU. that so pathetic
    they way i wouldnt comment back after that lol

    Rai August 30, 2024 11:11 pm
    ok so having ''stockholms syndrom'' doesnt always mean you fell for you kidnaper it can be when smn is in a Abusive Relationships. When this happen the victim can develop feelings of attachment or loyalty towar... shoushou

    not reading allat bro

    Rai August 30, 2024 11:12 pm
    i fear you ATE THEM UP... hahaha idk why they so pressed pfft- that actualy sad. imagine having nothing better to do then argue with smn when you wrong... and + they telling you to stop reading like WHO ARE YOU... le_petit_francais


    shoushou August 30, 2024 11:33 pm
    not reading allat bro Rai

    omg you didnt read my comment..
    OH NOOO! it the end of the world
    fucker i dont give a shit that you read or not my comment, like what was your point by writing this... hurting my feeling that just showing how of an low humain being you are loll.

    shoushou August 30, 2024 11:34 pm
    i fear you ATE THEM UP... hahaha idk why they so pressed pfft- that actualy sad. imagine having nothing better to do then argue with smn when you wrong... and + they telling you to stop reading like WHO ARE YOU... le_petit_francais

    please they so pressed when they know they wrong... i just pity them

    Rai August 30, 2024 11:42 pm
    please they so pressed when they know they wrong... i just pity them shoushou

    im the one pressed lol sure

    le_petit_francais August 31, 2024 12:03 am
    omg you didnt read my comment.. OH NOOO! it the end of the worldfucker i dont give a shit that you read or not my comment, like what was your point by writing this... hurting my feeling that just showing how of... shoushou

    HAHAHAHHA THEY TRYING SO HARD TO ACT TOUGHT... am actually pissing myself. hehehe "im the one pressed lol sure" the gaslighting is so funny i never laughed so much for a comment

    Rai August 31, 2024 12:08 am
    HAHAHAHHA THEY TRYING SO HARD TO ACT TOUGHT... am actually pissing myself. hehehe "im the one pressed lol sure" the gaslighting is so funny i never laughed so much for a comment le_petit_francais
