
skaiis July 15, 2024 10:52 am

this story is just a little weird for me. storyline wise it’s not bad at all, characters are good too but the age gap made it a little hard to accept the storyline. it would’ve been a hell lot better if woojung ran away and came back a lot older and their relationship progresses then. cause being 18, boy’s frontal lobe has not even finish developing yet lmao.

    abbatron August 9, 2024 7:47 am

    It’s weird to me too cause there’s so many ways the author could’ve just made jiho an adult to begin with… it is what is it I guess lmao

    skaiis August 9, 2024 2:02 pm

    exactly, when I realized the storyline was progressing the way it is it just felt a lil icky. when jiho ran away i thought he was going to come back when he’s older and that’d make it a little better but nope… oh well