If you think it’s odd then that’s fine but please refrain from stating that the author is “secretly weird or something” simply because you think so. I don’t think you’re hating at all but you are giving the author a bad image, plus I think they’re cute too. Also, I accidentally followed and I don’t know how to change it but please ignore that.

Funniest thing about your point is.. the author constantly mentions it throughout the manga that Hitomi sees herself as Shousuke's sister several times. Even the recent chapters had her say that she isn't romantically interested. While the ship is cute.. the author has stated several times that they are more like a family so I agree with you, the ship is very weird since it feels like pseudo-incest.

Yeah, noticed too that Hitomi herself said that she is not romantically interested w Shousuke. Thanks for this! I'm not updated from the author, can you tell me if the author mentions something about Katai Ai and Shousuke? I definitely ship them cuz they are so cute and interesting. Literally the cute ship that keeping me updated on this manga.

I've seen many such cases aside from my where I'm from. And this had nothing to do with religion.....I mean those two are not cousins or relatives(belonging to the same extended family tree). They are not related by blood. So as normal as it is for them to consider each other as brother or sister(it's not like they actually are), it is also normal for the two to get married.
. The other person who said that they are seeing this from American point of view.....I've read one article where An American twin brothers married twin sisters.....I thought it was pretty much normal all over the world.

Ah I’m so sorryyyyy I immediately got offended by you and that’s my honest mistake please forgive me but yes I am looking at it from an American perspective and it’s not exactly normal for in laws to get married let alone fall in love (although it does happen) but when it does happen it’s mostly frowned upon(?) it’s less of a “related by blood” thing but more of like the principal of it(?) also please someone correct me if I’m wrong I don’t want to spread misinformation and again I’m sorry for being rude for no reason

It's weird if you've been in laws for a long time and then suddenly you're dating, but even it's not the same level of taboo as step siblings dating each other. A more forbidden and heavier kind of deed is when a widow or widower dates their in-law after their spouse died (or if this person dates their inlaw after divorcing their spouse).
If Hitomi and Sho date before their older sibling marry, it wouldn't be that weird. One pair of siblings matching up with another pair of siblings is not that weird or taboo. It's common practice in arranged marriage or matchmaking tropes (and irl matchmaking) too.
I don’t think people realize that sho and hitomi are almost in laws….? Like if Komi and tadano get married there’s no way they’re gonna be together unless the author is like secretly weird or something. I’m not hating i think they’re so cute but I just think it’s a bit odd.. again I’m not hating so pls don’t think I am