Not bad

Eve July 15, 2024 3:06 am

I kept seeing clips of this and the art looked nice so I decided to read it even after seeing other comments saying it's lacking in execution. I binged the entire thing and I have to say I'd give it an above average rating just because the story is pretty decent, some good old angst, and very very beautiful artwork of not just the characters but also the backgrounds.

Now the execution.. did leave much to be desired. The characters themselves have personality and the way they behave make sense especially with the context and background revealed much later. However, the chemistry is a bit lacking and every time they do it, it LOOKs sexy-ish but what was actually happening was NOT sexy. I think it required more chemistry between the two...idk why the author thought every single time they had sex, it had to be fucking painful with no proper preparation--that took a lot of the chemistry out. You would also think their contractual relationship would lead to more bonding between the two, like learning about each other and shit but just a lot of not sexy smut and mindless talking. Then the author dragged this shit out till chapter 81 and I thought oh side stories and its FUCKING SPECIALS in an alternate universe but the SAME dynamic like WHATTT?!?! I didn't even bother reading those specials cuz they annoyed me after all that hard work I did binging this.

Agreed with a lot of people about this needing way more chapters for AFTER they developed mutual feelings and not just one month after the car accident. There needs to be way more progress on both their ends bc I ain't feeling the love. The few things that were done well were the overall plot, some of their actions/behaviors and the story making sense with things being brought up in the beginning and connecting with later plot points. Ex: Jaehyuk saying shit like" who would pay you more than I am" being brought back up in a later scene OR Yeon-oh getting into an accident and Jaehyuk being worried bc he thought his grandfather got to Yeon-oh like he did to the others in the past. Like this shit made sense and gave proper context for why they behaved like that and kept character and story consistency.
