Not so funny

Trina July 15, 2024 2:45 am

I realize this is supposed to be a comedy, but this is just ridiculous.
The plot is almost literally ' she ripped his clothes off in heat' so basically no plot. There are a few laughs, but they stop after the first 5 times the same thing happens.
Conversation? Forget it! Even if he didn't listen she NEVER says the whole thing or even trys so the misunderstandings keep piling up. Then she literally rapes the guy while he's asleep.

I'm very glad I didn't pay to read this but I will finish this story just to find out if the priest get justice.

    Matcha_is_Luv August 3, 2024 11:35 am

    Are you sure you're reading to find out if the priest gets justice??? Lmao we all know that ain't happening

    Trina August 4, 2024 6:32 am
    Are you sure you're reading to find out if the priest gets justice??? Lmao we all know that ain't happening Matcha_is_Luv

    True, but I still have hope. If he ends up with her. . . *sigh*