
st4rja3 July 15, 2024 1:22 am

Why do yall love his wife and hate Sally ???? “She’s a mistress” girl he don’t even love that ho of a wife fr if anything Sally should be considered the real wife ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ she literally WHIPPED HER MAID CAUSE SHE WAS IN A BAD MOOD LIKE WHAT ???! “Sally is manipulative” girl please Sally is trying to survive unlike in her previous life and what she’s doing is what every woman in the fucking story is doing ??? She can’t just be like “I hate this ho” They use word play to convey their hate to each other but i guess yall think that’s manipulation

    st4rja3 July 15, 2024 1:22 am

    Then the ml also manipulated her basically knowing she was gonna die like hello ???

    LaNansha July 27, 2024 11:12 am
    Then the ml also manipulated her basically knowing she was gonna die like hello ??? st4rja3

    No, he didn’t think Elysee would go that far. He genuinely, stupidly thought that having a mistress would be enough for someone with Elysee’s ego to agree to a divorce

    st4rja3 July 27, 2024 3:01 pm
    No, he didn’t think Elysee would go that far. He genuinely, stupidly thought that having a mistress would be enough for someone with Elysee’s ego to agree to a divorce LaNansha

    He knew she was gonna get hurt and he knew she was being hurt while it happend not saying warning her how his wife is he threw her in the lions den and turned a blind eye to her abuse manipulative is what I call that but hey call it what u want boo

    st4rja3 July 27, 2024 3:02 pm
    He knew she was gonna get hurt and he knew she was being hurt while it happend not saying warning her how his wife is he threw her in the lions den and turned a blind eye to her abuse manipulative is what I cal... st4rja3

    Especially cs it seems like he didn’t care he just needed her for his own benefit while trying to cover up her abuse with superficial gifts

    LaNansha July 27, 2024 6:26 pm
    Especially cs it seems like he didn’t care he just needed her for his own benefit while trying to cover up her abuse with superficial gifts st4rja3

    All I’m going to say on this is the story about their past so far has only been told from Sally’s POV for a reason. Nothing is as straightforward as “he didn’t care.” The truth is Sally didn’t know anything and could only see things on the surface level where the Duke was concerned. She was very self absorbed in her own feelings and in his absence, so her account of their story isn’t all there is to it.

    st4rja3 July 27, 2024 7:04 pm
    All I’m going to say on this is the story about their past so far has only been told from Sally’s POV for a reason. Nothing is as straightforward as “he didn’t care.” The truth is Sally didn’t know ... LaNansha

    If that’s what you know from spoilers then obviously I wouldn’t know that and I’m going off what we have been told by Sally opinions are subject to change however only will I change mine when I’m shown something different from him it’s obvious he cares now but he definitely didn’t seem to in the past you don’t put someone you actually love in that situation if you don’t agree hey but that’s MY opinion

    st4rja3 July 27, 2024 7:07 pm
    All I’m going to say on this is the story about their past so far has only been told from Sally’s POV for a reason. Nothing is as straightforward as “he didn’t care.” The truth is Sally didn’t know ... LaNansha

    And she was self absorbed in her own feelings because she was the only person to truly look out for herself so I say that’s a right she deserved regardless he contributed to her death

    LaNansha July 27, 2024 10:09 pm

    Yeah but even without the spoilers, Sally has always seemed like an unreliable narrator to me. Everything she knows is introspective. Like nothing outside of herself and her own feelings. She wasn’t very observant and discerning in her first life. It’s like the difference between believing that Elysee was a nice person before Elysee beat her up. She now can see right through it because she can see though Elysee’s fake smiles and demeanor. Sally is also someone who claimed to have been in love with the Duke, but she only knew him on the surface level. That’s why a few chapters ago, she thought she might be over him since her heart wasn’t beating like crazy around him. By that point of the story, she hadn’t opened herself up to actually knowing him yet. Those feelings changed recently because she learned to look at the man and see who he is and what he does. She can now see that he can be protective. All that means to me is because she was so blind to Elysee before, she probably never noticed that the Duke was also protecting her in his own way in her first life. She couldn’t see that because all she could see was the fact that he wasn’t physically present. All those things are the reason why my take on him as a character has ever been harsh and reading the spoilers afterwards basically validated my impressions.

    st4rja3 July 28, 2024 12:43 am
    Yeah but even without the spoilers, Sally has always seemed like an unreliable narrator to me. Everything she knows is introspective. Like nothing outside of herself and her own feelings. She wasn’t very obse... LaNansha

    Ok and that’s YOUR opinion (let that sink in) that you don’t trust her but Sally hasn’t given me a reason not to personally trust her and questioning her feelings would be valid after her first life ofc her heart wouldn’t beat for him now that she’s in her second life with him..tbh what he did was a huge turn off and he was NOT protecting because like I said he knew the possibility of her getting hurt when he put her in the situation even if he didn’t like you said he still seen the abuse after and he couldn’t have been protecting her too well because she died and maybe your impressions were validated after spoilers but like I said this was MY own personal opinion and no matter what spin you put on it that’s not going to change unless i see differently he’s not my fav character but he’s slowly starting to be likeable please stop arguing with me over MY opinion i respect your opinion and you don’t have to change it a book is up to interpretation I said mine I don’t really see the need to keep going back and forth with you over two split roads we will probably not agree lol

    LaNansha July 28, 2024 12:55 am
    Ok and that’s YOUR opinion (let that sink in) that you don’t trust her but Sally hasn’t given me a reason not to personally trust her and questioning her feelings would be valid after her first life ofc h... st4rja3

    Her being an unreliable narrator isn’t an opinion, it’s rooted on how little she knew about what was going on. You said he saw the abuse, but that’s no fact either. It’s been made clear that Sally was actually hiding the fact that Elysee was mistreating her from him. To me your take sounds like someone being told one version of the story and deciding that version is factual on all sides. We’ve had multiple hints that she had a narrow view of her situation. Anyway, like you said, it’s pointless to argue any further. Have a good rest of your day.

    st4rja3 July 28, 2024 12:57 am
    Her being an unreliable narrator isn’t an opinion, it’s rooted on how little she knew about what was going on. You said he saw the abuse, but that’s no fact either. It’s been made clear that Sally was ... LaNansha

    Ok girl pls sthu talking 2 me

    Jazzy111 August 3, 2024 3:56 pm
    Yeah but even without the spoilers, Sally has always seemed like an unreliable narrator to me. Everything she knows is introspective. Like nothing outside of herself and her own feelings. She wasn’t very obse... LaNansha

    It’s almost like the story is being told in Sally’s perspective.. like you make no sense. Sally was thrown in an unknown environment just based on the sole fact that she loved the Duke. Sally was insecure and has an inferiority complex, which she rightfully should’ve had as she was not a true noble so of course she did not see the Duke’s true intentions, he also never made an effort in letting her understand his world or him because as you said, he was never physically present. Put yourself in her shoes, geez.

    LaNansha August 3, 2024 4:49 pm
    It’s almost like the story is being told in Sally’s perspective.. like you make no sense. Sally was thrown in an unknown environment just based on the sole fact that she loved the Duke. Sally was insecure a... Jazzy111

    But that’s the point I’m making. Her shortcomings in her first life is what makes her an unreliable narrator. She now knows much more than she knew in her first life and is more aware of her surroundings now because she’s wiser. But this means that everything we know from her first life isn’t entirely reliable, specifically where the ML is concerned. That’s why I disagreed with the top statement that paints the ML as someone uncaring and unloving who only sought to use her without any real feelings for her. I don’t believe that to be true. That’s literally all I was saying, I simply didn’t phrase it as well as you did to explain my point, I guess.